United States

A missionary in the university, from the campus to the altar

Michelle Duppong died in 2015 with a reputation for sainthood after helping many young people in college to encounter Christ. Eight years later, the diocesan investigation to have her declared a saint begins in the United States.

Paloma López Campos-April 26, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
Michelle Duppong

Michelle Duppong

On December 25, 2015, a 31-year-old woman with a reputation for holiness died of cancer. Her name was Michelle Duppong and she spent six years accompanying young people in college to encounter Christ. A few days ago, Bishop David Kagan of the Diocese of Bismarck (North Dakota) announced the opening of the process to declare her a saint.

The process begins with a diocesan investigation during which testimonies, writings and other evidence must be collected. All this information is presented to the Dicastery for the Causes of SaintsThe report is intended to show the sanctity of the person. If the report is accepted, Michelle Duppong will become a "servant of God".

Thereafter, the cause will continue with the requirements established by the Dicastery until the young American is canonized and named a saint.

A missionary on campus

Michelle Duppong was born in 1984 and grew up in North Dakota. In 2006 she graduated with a degree in Horticulture. While in college, she became acquainted with the activity of FOCUS and, after earning her degree, she continued to work with this organization as a missionary on the university campus.

Her performance of her work was exemplary and in 2012 she obtained the position of Director of Adult Faith Formation for the Diocese of Bismarck. However, two years later she was diagnosed with cancer.

He bore his illness with patience and joy, until he passed away on Christmas Day 2015, with a reputation for sainthood. Some witnesses of his life, such as Monsignor James Shea, president of the "University of Mary"They say of her life that she was a "radiant and joyful woman, with the heart of a true servant". For his part, FOCUS founder Curtis Martin said, "Michelle was a missionary of joy", who lived his faith in an exceptional way on a daily basis.

Evangelizing universities

FOCUS is a Catholic mission apostolate that seeks to bring university students closer to Christ through activities, friendship and formation, in short, in a natural way within the university environment. In the 2021-2022 academic year, there were approximately 800 missionaries. Currently, it is estimated that the FOCUS alumni are already about 40,000.

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