The World Prayer Network has communicated the intention of Pope Francis for the month of June. The Holy Father wants Catholics to pray especially for migrants "fleeing their country."
In his message, Francis expressed his sorrow for the "drama experienced by people forced to leave their land to flee from wars or poverty. To this "feeling of uprootedness", they add the "alarm" and "fear" that they encounter "in some countries of arrival".
Faced with this situation, the Pontiff warns of "walls", which "separate families" and grow "in the hearts" of people. A mentality that, says Pope Francis, "we Christians cannot share". On the contrary, we must be open, because "a migrant must be accompanied, promoted and integrated".
"Whoever welcomes a migrant welcomes Christ," the Holy Father affirms. Therefore, Catholics must "promote a social and political culture that protects the rights and dignity of the migrant".
Pope Francis concludes his message by asking that "we pray that migrants fleeing war or hunger, forced into journeys filled with danger and violence, may find acceptance and new opportunities in life."