
Friends of Monkole 2022: more than 400,000 euros in 11 projects

Since its foundation 12 years ago, Friends of Monkole has already helped more than 1,000 pregnant women at the Monkole Hospital Center, located in one of the poorest neighborhoods of Kinshasa (DR Congo).

Maria José Atienza-January 2, 2023-Reading time: < 1 minute

Photo from the Friends of Monkole Calendar ©Friends of Monkole

– Supernatural Friends of Monkole Foundationhas managed to finance its 11 solidarity projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo with more than 400,000 euros, "which is a record figure, around 40% more than in 2021, thanks to our donors and the aid received from various institutions and public and private organizations", as explained Enrique Barrio, president of the foundation. More than 35,000 people, especially women and children, have benefited, directly or indirectly, thanks to these projects.

The projects to which the money has been allocated have ranged from rickets operations in children (20,000 euros), hip prosthesis interventions (18,290.5 euros), Forfait Mamá, birth assistance for 107 mothers (29,000 euros), Neonatology (39,200 euros, including a 20,000 euro grant from the Ordesa Foundation), to the Elikia Project: uterine cancer screening (29,700 euros).

Other projects are the Dental Project with the support of the Asturias Dental Association (5,600 euros), Nursing School (90,000 euros), Training in Africa with doctors from Europe (10,605.89 euros), rehabilitation of the Kimbondo sanitary antenna (6,000 euros, with the support of the Junta de Castilla y León), shipment of industrial washing and ironing machines (50,251.27 euros, with the support of the Junta de Castilla y León), sanitary well in Niangara (17,800 euros), production of oxygen (30,700 euros), creation of Popular Canteens for the production of oxygen (30,700 euros).251.27 euros, with the help of the Junta de Castilla y León), sanitary well in Niangara (17,800 euros), production of oxygen (30,700 euros), creation of Cantinas Populares for child nutrition (7,000 euros together with the Roviralta Foundation, the María Felicidad Jiménez Ferrer Fund and Moneytrans), campaign against HIV (48,531.78 euros with the City Council of Valladolid). In total, the aid sent amounts to a total of 402,679.44 euros.

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