
Worship music. Music and its beauty as a channel to bring us closer to God.

The transcendent dimension of music is well known to many of us. Its truth and beauty are channels of encounter that help us to raise our souls to God, in a gaze that constantly seeks to enter into the profound and yearning "mystery" of the Love of Jesus.

The Beloved produces love-January 29, 2021-Reading time: 5 minutes
worship music

Pope Benedict XVI told us: "Art is capable of expressing and making visible man's need to go beyond what is seen, it manifests the thirst and the search for the infinite". The Holy Father pointed out that"there are artistic expressionsistics that help us to grow in our relationship with God, in prayer. These are works that are born of faith and express faith." (general audience, 31-VIII- 2011). 

Taking his words as a reference, expressing that mystery of search and faith with chords is a task in which thousands of Christian musicians around the world and Catholics in particular, also in Spain, are involved. It entails surrendering one's heart and talent to the feet of Jesus, and this literally means "placing oneself in the background". This is the arduous task of the Spanish Catholic musician; since the artist, on certain occasions, appropriates the place that corresponds to God. There is no need to be scandalized or frightened. It is normal and usual to see it, if there is no deep pastoral accompaniment to live a process of transfiguration of the musician towards the worshipper. The Grace of the Holy Spirit and the adoration of Jesus are needed.

Worship music or "worship"

Within the category of contemporary Christian music, we find worship music. Throughout the last decades, we have seen it develop in different styles, from classical to pop, soul, ballad, folk, rock, jazz, metal, harcdcore, or linked to other rhythms, bachata, salsa, rap, hip hop, reggae... It is mainly worship and praise music with a Christian theme. Not in vain, its origins in the 70's come from many street musicians who converted to Christianity and continued playing their music after their conversion, but with lyrics of faith. Gradually this became more popular. 

Their essence resides in the fact that they are songs interpreted by a whole praying community. The artist and the musicians are placed in the background and become a channel of the Holy Spirit, where the whole community can hear the true lung that guides worship and praise. 

In Spain, and specifically in contemporary Catholic Christian worship music, we are living a similar process. For many years, some Catholics with a strong experience of God in their lives, or communities that let themselves be inspired by the Holy Spirit, began to walk in that direction. There were many spearheads that opened the way. We also discovered some resistance, since the faithful in Spain are used to music as "accompaniment", but not so much to music in its prayerful dimension. It has been an arduous task and at times very arid. In the following lines we present some of the trends in worship music in Spain. 

Some current examples

Linked to religious congregations, we find as a referent the group Ain Karen, related to the Carmelite Sisters of Charity Vedruna, a religious congregation of active life. 

Ain Karen was born in 2000 with the objective of announcing the Good News of Jesus to the youngest. The hallmark of this project has been and continues to be "singing the word" and being a mediation for prayer. Its first CD, called Barefoot followed by eight more. 

United to the spiritual family of the Institute of the Disciples of Jesus, founded by Blessed Pedro Ruiz de los Paños, the following were born Mariola Alcocer and D' colores Band, a group of committed lay people from the south of Alicante who love the Lord. It all came about as a result of recording the song Proof of lovewhich speaks of their founder. This event brought them closer to the charism. Their work For you are songs of various styles, soul, blues, rock. It is common to see them in the adorations of the evangelization group. Nightfever.

We enter into another rhythm, and from the youth area and we find Hakuna. They are defined as "We are Christians who together follow Christ, sharing a way of life that we learn kneeling before Christ the Host. We usually express ourselves with music. Our story begins on a trip to WYD in Rio de Janeiro, in July 2013, from there the seed of what is today was planted. Hakuna Group Music". In addition to the Holy Hours in Madrid and other cities there are a variety of spiritual proposals.

In another order, from the movements, we highlight the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, to which the preacher and worshipper Marcelo Olima is linked. The CCR has been defined as a current of grace. Marcelo, of Argentinean origin, works as a Religion teacher. He is inserted with his family in his parish in Berja, Almeria, where he serves the Lord wherever He leads them. He has been preaching and worshiping Jesus all over the world for 25 years. He has published several praise albums.

Contemplative line

From the contemplative sphere, we will meet several people. Maite López, from Navarre, tells us. "My great passion and the center of my life has been faith. I live my commitment in the Church by exercising my profession as a communicator with articles, reviews, courses and workshops.". Maite is linked to the Slaves of the Sacred Heart. Her music is very appropriate for worship, and she has several albums behind her.

Specializing in Spanish contemporary Catholic music, he lives his faith through the group Holy Rosary of his parish in Alpedrete, Madrid, Enrique Mejías, musicologist, guitarist and composer who delivers his music in the field of worship. His songs are born in prayerful intimacy, inspired by the Word of God and the saints. I surrender all to You is his classic CD.

In a contemplative line but linked to the priesthood, we find a minister of God from the Mercedarian spirituality. Fray Nacho presents himself as follows: "I can tell you that I am a priest, a Mercedarian friar, who works in the prison of Lleida as chaplain and in the parish of Sant Pau as parish priest. I have been singing for as long as I have been conscious. One day I discovered that God gave me the ability to make music, so I started to do it". His songs are full of poetry, sensitivity, and faith. He has several CDs to his credit.

Going deeper into the music of contemplative, almost mystical adoration, we find a woman with a broad itinerary of conversion as a result of her travels in India and Nepal. The meeting with the director of the Apostleship of Prayer, in the forest where she lived in retirement, will be the bridge to the Franciscan spirituality, from where she undertakes "the journey home". In the monastery of the Virgen del Espino, in Vivar del Cid, the sisters (O.S.C.) will accompany her on this journey. She is Beatriz Elamado, with several CD's, among which stands out Go, Francisco, repair, a flash drive in the shape of a San Damiano cross and the mission of Mary's Candle spiritually accompanied by a hermit.

We do not want to forget to mention some relevant producers of this type of music. This is the case of the young Venezuelan living in Spain, Gerson Perez, linked to the RCCE and in charge of the musical arrangements of some singers since his arrival (Mariana Valongo). In his work as a producer, one can perceive that he drank from the sources of the evangelical brothers, but had a deep conversion to Catholicism. From Zaragoza, another producer stands out in the national panorama, the young Pablo Solans. We share his feelings: "Jesus has given me everything. He is everything to me. He gave me the voice and two hands for His glory. I can do nothing but give him back everything he has given me, caress his heart, make him smile.".

The authorThe Beloved produces love

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