
Long live fathers! The ACdP extols the father figure in cities throughout Spain.

More than 400 bus shelters, buses, subways and billboards are currently displaying a suggestive message of support and revaluation of fathers.

Maria José Atienza-March 16, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes

The campaign of the Catholic Association of Propagandists can be seen in more than 60 Spanish cities and in a video highlighting the millions of men who, every day, strive around the world to take care of their families.

The campaign, launched around the feast of St. Joseph, Father's Day, highlights the importance of men, of fathers, in family and social life.

The printed version of this campaign takes the text of the Lord's Prayer as its background, highlighting the request to "thy will be done". the guiding and educating role of parents in the family as well as the role of the family in the family. "deliver us from evil"pointing out the protection of the parents to the family. 

The posters and bus shelters are accompanied by a nice video that celebrates the daily efforts of all those parents who work, care, educate and pray without losing heart.

"There is a hunger for a father."

In this line, the Association has published a video with Professor María Calvo Charro in which she points out how "the father has a fundamental role in the family, in line with the mother" and that we are in a society in which there is "a hunger for the father, to fill a gap that is empty. We live in a society in which the father is being dispensed with physically and symbolically as well", for example, in some laws that eliminate the word father or where the father is presented as a failed being who does everything wrong, in series, movies or speeches.

Original campaigns

This is not the first campaign of these characteristics launched by the Propagandists. For some time now, the Catholic Association of Propagandists has opted for direct and original campaigns that have been the subject of conversation throughout Spain. In this line is framed

This is not the first campaign of these characteristics launched by the Propagandists. For some time now, the Catholic Association of Propagandists has opted for direct and original campaigns that have been the subject of conversation all over Spain. A few months ago, on the occasion of the approval of the law that would prevent pro-life prayer groups from praying in front of abortion parlors, the Association launched a

This is not the first campaign of these characteristics launched by the AcdP. For some time now, the Catholic Association of Propagandists has opted for direct and original campaigns that have been the subject of conversation throughout Spain.

In this line is framed, for example, the campaign "praying is great" in which they claimed the freedom of expression - and prayer - in public space before the approval of the law that wants to prevent pro-life prayer groups to pray in front of abortion centers, or the campaign similar to that of Father's Day was seen around March 8, Women's Day, in which, taking as text the Hail Mary, they highlighted the virtues of women after the example of the Virgin.

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