The Vatican

Curia reform is already underway

David Fernández Alonso-October 14, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

The Council of Cardinals has met, eight months later, to resume the work process of the new Apostolic Constitution that will regulate the composition and functioning of the Roman Curia. On this occasion, the meeting was held virtually by videoconference, yesterday, Tuesday, at 4:00 p.m.

The Cardinal Councilors have already met with Pope Francis on several occasions to study the draft of the new Apostolic Constitution. It will replace the current Pastor bonuspromulgated by John Paul II and in force since June 28, 1988. It is composed of 193 articles, 2 annexes and subsequent modifications introduced by Benedict XVI and Francis.

Increased lay presence

Among the issues being addressed in the draft are. relations between the Curia and the Bishops' Conferences; the presence of the lay faithful, both men and women, in the lay faithful, men and women, in managerial positions in the offices of the Curia and other Church offices of the Curia and other Church bodies; or the study of the theological-pastoral bases for these theological-pastoral bases of these aspects.

The Women's Consultation of the Pontifical Council for Culture is one of the bodies created in recent years, composed mainly of lay people.

At Tuesday's meeting, the Council of Cardinals presented Pope Francis with the draft of the new Constitution, which is expected to be titled Predicate evangelium. During the summer months, the Council has had the opportunity to work through the internet on the text of the new document, in order to present an updated version of the draft to the Holy Father.

Reform is already underway

Francis addressed the meeting from Casa Santa Marta and emphasized that "reform is already underway, also in some administrative and economic aspects". Also connected to the meeting were Cardinal Óscar A. Rodríguez Maradiaga, Reinhard Marx, Sean Patrick O'Malley, Oswald Gracias, while the Vatican was joined by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin and Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, as well as the Secretary of the Council, Monsignor Marcello Semeraro, and the Deputy Secretary, Monsignor Marco Mellino.

The next meeting of the Council of Cardinals is scheduled for the month of December and will be held December and will be held virtually, as has been done on this occasion. as has been done on this occasion.

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