
The EEC Permanent Secretariat will discuss living wills and the protection of minors.

The bishops who form part of this commission will meet on February 23 and 24 to analyze various pastoral and current issues. 

Maria José Atienza-February 1, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
plenary september 2020

Photo: ©Spanish Episcopal Conference. Permanent Commission. September 2020

The Standing Committee of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) will meet starting tomorrow at the Casa de la Iglesia in Madrid in what will be its first meeting of the year.

On this occasion, the conference will focus on the following topics:

  • Lines of pastoral action of the Episcopal Conference for the quinquennium 2021-2025.
  • Implementation of the letter of Pope Francis for the institution of lay men and women as readers and acolytes.
  • Dialogue on the work of the Diocesan Offices for the Protection of Minors.
  • Dialogue on the implementation of the training plan that was approved at the previous Plenary.
  • Information about Euthanasia and the living will.
  • Information about Ábside Media's work
  • Dialogue on various current issues.

In addition to this, the meeting will serve to approve the agenda for the Plenary Assembly scheduled for April 19-23 and to update information on economic issues, various follow-up matters and the various Episcopal Commissions, as well as the chapter on appointments.

The Standing Committee

The Standing Commission is the organ of the Bishops' Conference that is responsible for the preparation of the Plenary Assemblies and the execution of the decisions adopted thereat. It is made up of the members of the Executive Commission; the presidents of the Episcopal Commissions; the military archbishop - who will be represented by the Vicar General - and the metropolitan archbishops who are not included for the above reasons.


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