
The Spanish Church: solidarity and action in the face of the Palma volcano

The Secretary General of the EEC, Bishop Argüello has expressed, on behalf of all the Spanish bishops, his solidarity with the inhabitants of Palma, an island that in recent days has been experiencing with concern and uncertainty the eruption of one of its volcanoes.

Maria José Atienza-September 30, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
palma volcano

The Secretary General and spokesman of the EEC, Mons. Luis Argüello, has focused especially on the difficult times being experienced by the people of the island of La Palma, which since September 19 has been devastated by the eruption of the volcano of Cumbre Vieja.

In addition to the support expressed in the Endnote Arguello said that this type of event "summons us to an existential humility in the face of the force of nature" and to focus on "caring for what is essential. Events like this make us see how ridiculous our disputes are" and he wanted to launch a message of hope recalling that "these events make us recognize our fragility and also make us realize what we can build together".

The cross that we saw collapsing takes on a singular significance

The bishops' spokesman described as a "mystery" the reality of "this volcano that generates and destroys; that is the origin of these islands and that, at the same time, is causing so much pain. That cross that we saw collapsing when the whole temple of a neighborhood was falling acquires a singular meaning because the light of the paschal mystery that unites death and life appears as a humble proposal of meaning and work in solidarity that we in the church want to live and offer".

The press conference also shared some notes on the work that Caritas Tenerife diocese has been doing since the day of the eruption, in order to alleviate the terrible consequences that this eruption is having for hundreds of families.

Specifically, the main problems that are being experienced and that affect the loss of housing for many families. In addition to the offer of shelter from individuals, Caritas has helped to enable parish spaces to accommodate evacuees. The Bishopric itself has made available two houses for this reception and continues to receive calls from individuals willing to provide housing for these people.

Solidarity has also been noted in the arrival of clothing and basic supplies, as well as in the collection of more than 350,000 euros to help in this dramatic situation.

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