The World

Journalists and priests, Mexico's two most dangerous professions

Omnes-May 24, 2017-Reading time: 2 minutes
Cathedral Mexico.

Along with journalism, the priesthood is the most dangerous profession in Mexico, denounces the Mexican weekly magazine 'From faith'. in an editorial entitled 'Black Monday'.

-Jaime Sánchez Moreno

Violence seems to have taken over Mexico, a country where up to 70 murders are recorded every day. Around 99 % of the crimes suffered by priests and journalists go unpunished by the country's authorities.

Recently, Javier Valdez Cárdenas, founder of the weekly newspaper Ríodocewas shot dead in Culiacán, in the Mexican state of Sinaloa. On the same day Jonathan Rodríguez Córdova died and his mother, Sonia Córdova Oceguera, was assaulted. Both were editors of the weekly El Costeño de Autlan, in Jalisco.

On the other hand, Father José Miguel Machorro was stabbed while celebrating mass in the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Mexico by the "Teacher's Day". These are just two examples of the risks faced by journalists and priests in Mexico.

Journalists "they fell for defending the truth", and priests," the weekly adds, "whose vocation is the spiritual service of the faithful, are now targets of crime for being uncomfortable in the prophetic task of announcing and denouncing, for guiding their communities along paths of a more dignified life in the face of the corrupters of the social fabric".

Continuing Education Assembly

In this context, the Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM) is holding the National Assembly of the Clergy near Mexico City, where the challenges facing the Mexican clergy in the face of the enormous level of violence that plagues the country are being addressed.

The Assembly will take place until Friday, May 26. The main theme of this cycle is the impact of ongoing formation on pastoral life. The lay and pastoral perspectives of priestly ministry in the world will also be discussed. On Thursday, Msgr. Faustino Armendariz will speak on the theme Pastoral perspective of priestly ministry from the Pastor's point of view.


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