
José Miguel Carretié. Perpetual Adoration, a jewel for the diocese

Permanent adorers, occasional adorers, cirineos or emergency adorers. These are the names, depending on their respective circumstances, of the people who commit themselves to the perpetual adoration that takes place in the Madrid parish of San Manuel González. 

Arsenio Fernández de Mesa-January 24, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes
José Miguel Carretié. Perpetual Adoration.

Who has not felt the desire to stop the pace and come face to face with the Eucharist to rest in Him? Some who long to stop the hustle and bustle and place themselves in silence looking at Jesus in the tabernacle often complain that when they can go to pray in the church it is already closed or even that it is very busy and there is no one to pray. This does not happen in San Manuel González, a parish located in San Sebastián de los Reyes where a perpetual adoration chapel was established at the beginning of this school year. Since it was a barracks, the parish priest, Jose Maria Marin, felt the concern that the Lord was accompanied at all times in his real presence. At that time, on Thursdays from eight o'clock in the morning until eleven o'clock at night the Blessed Sacrament was exposed uninterruptedly. Many people came to worship at different hours and there was planted the seed that now germinates. Once the present church was built, it was decided to establish the chapel. 

First they had to "sign up" worshippers: they advertised it on the web and went to all the parishes in the area announcing the good news, aware that they were selling a product that was of interest to everyone: "is a jewel not only for the people who go to San Manuel but for the whole area.". All the shifts of permanent worshippers. But there is also the figure of the occasional worshippersThe company has a group of people who can't always commit at the same time. They are included in chat groups so that when a replacement is needed, they can offer themselves. The name is quite graphic: they are the cirineos o emergency worshippers

Not being able to attend your hour because of an unforeseen event also opens up a beautiful apostolic task, as José Miguel Carretié, general coordinator of this work of God, tells me: "It is in those cases when one looks among friends, family members, acquaintances, for someone who can replace him or her. It is a great act of charity and many times you open a path for them that perhaps they had never thought of before.". It also brings out the best in everyone, as Margarita, one of the coordinators on duty, proudly remarks: some young people "...are not only young people, but also young people with a lot of experience.ask to be put on a difficult shift, first thing in the morning, to start the day off right.". A veritable army of souls in love has been formed and they are already committed. José Miguel tells me that "there are about 340 cirineos and about 280 adorers". But they dream of much more: "the idea is to have two or three per shift. Since there are 168 hours per week I estimate that 300 to 350 fixed shift worshippers is one of the objectives.". This is only to ensure that the Blessed Sacrament is always accompanied, because the apostolate of souls who want to adore Jesus in the Eucharist is a sea without shores. People will always be needed. 

José Miguel has been worshiping on Thursdays since the beginning of the barracks. It is essential, according to him, that even if the souls do not want to commit themselves to be adorers, they know that the Lord is always there waiting for them. He always goes there in the evening, two hours from Tuesday to Wednesday. When he arrives he is alone: "is a privilege, face to face, alone, without intermediaries, it has nothing to do with praying during the day.". The experience has made him understand why Jesus chose to pray at night. Many people tell him that as they begin to adore, they notice how the hour passes".flying". He happily confesses that "the people are very happy that this possibility of permanent adoration has arisen because it changes parish life, but also the whole life of the diocese.". It is a torrent of unsuspected grace, a reward for prioritizing supernatural means. 

In Spain there are approximately sixty perpetual adoration chapels and in recent months four have been opened. 

The general coordinator of the chapel of San Manuel González understands that ".prayer is a school to begin with where you understand many things that you understand with your heart. You experience a particular intimacy with the Lord, a familiarity that fills your heart. You receive light on certain aspects that you did not know before.". And the apostolic work is continuous: "many people around you try to find the peace and quiet that they see in other people who worship and that moves them to approach the chapel.".

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