
Beatriz Fra: "We want to win back the souls of young people for Christ".

Beatriz Fra was one of the presenters of the Eucharistic Marian Youth Day, an initiative that aims to bring young people closer to God by relying on the two pillars of the Church: the Eucharist and the Virgin Mary.

Paloma López Campos-July 20, 2024-Reading time: 5 minutes
JEMJ Youth

A young man wears a T-shirt with the motto of the Eucharistic Marian Youth Day (JEMJ).

From July 5 to 7, hundreds of young people came to Covadonga to celebrate the Eucharistic Marian Youth DayThe "On the Move" association's initiative aims to remind Catholics of the importance of the Eucharist.

With the motto "Lift up your hearts", as explained on their website, the organizers of the day hope that this project will serve to "revive and strengthen the faith of young people in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, hand in hand with Mary".

To learn more about what happened during those days in Covadonga, Omnes interviewed Beatriz Fra, in charge of the diffusion and presenter, together with her husband, of the Eucharistic Marian Youth Day.

Why did you think it was important to hold such a youth-oriented event?

- It all comes from a survey that was conducted in the United States. Many of the young people who belong to the association "On the Move" see the Eucharist as a charism that we have, we have had a personal encounter with the Lord in the Eucharist and we have realized how important it is. At the same time, we have realized that in this world there is a direct attack on the Lord Eucharist, even within the Church, where it is often not treated with sufficient respect.

Going back to the beginning, a few years ago a survey came out in the United States showing that 70 % of Catholics do not believe in the real presence of Christ in the Church. Eucharistbut live it as something symbolic. This news in the United States is very alarming and the Episcopal Conference responded with different initiatives to solve it.

We also wanted to do something. From there, the idea was born to take young people to a formation, experience and community meeting to show what the Eucharist means. At that moment the association "En marcha" was born.

We have focused it on young people partly because many of the association's volunteers are young people and because we understand that, as John Paul II said, they are the hope of the Church.

What is the connection between the Eucharist and the Virgin Mary?

- For us there is a connection between the Eucharist and the Virgin Mary because we are 100 % Catholics. We Catholics have those two pillars. St. John Bosco had a dream in which he observed that the boat of the Church is sustained in the face of the tribulations of the world only if it is supported by the Eucharist and the Virgin Mary. We realize that being Catholic is a richness precisely because we have such specific things as the gift that the Lord has given to his Church with the Eucharist and with our Mother.

Our Lady has acted many times in our lives as a Mother who brings us closer to her Son, who explains to us the mysteries that perhaps in a rational way we do not understand, but that through prayer with Our Lady we are able to understand better.

A Catholic cannot live without the sacraments, but neither can he live without the presence of the Virgin Mary in his daily life. We want young people to be able to take advantage of these two unique gifts of our Catholic faith.

Why was Covadonga chosen precisely for the Eucharistic Marian Youth Marian Day?

Attendees (JEMJ)

- We wanted it to be both a Eucharistic and a Marian day, so we looked for a place with the presence of the Virgin Mary, also because a special grace is experienced there. Since the day took place in Covadonga, the event took on a tinge of reconquest of souls. The motto of the day was "Lift up your hearts" and what we wanted was that, drinking from our own history, the young people would realize what a treasure we have. Let them know that we have to fight to live it personally, but we also have to fight so that other young people can share it.

Just as many centuries ago in Covadonga Don Pelayo, under the protection of our Mother, had the strength to reconquer Catholic Spain, we too want to reconquer the souls of young people for Christ.

Terms such as "reconquest", "don Pelayo" and "struggle" are quickly politicized, especially in social networks. How can we avoid falling into this game of ideologies and politics?

- If you have clear ideas and put the Lord at the center, you achieve balance. We must give importance to what is really important. We have not wanted to enter into ideological or political issues. Of course, we love our country and we are proud of it, but we have not entered into the game of political acronyms and we are not going to do it. Our battle is different.

With great simplicity and tranquility we know what we want, the rest does not matter to us. We do not do things to have human fruits, we do it for love of the Lord and the Church.

Priests were available to administer the sacrament of Confession even throughout the night. Why is this sacrament so necessary?

- It was clear to us that there is a battle against sin and, thanks be to God, we are not alone, we are within the Church. The Lord has left us wonderful weapons, such as the sacrament of Confession.

For us, Eucharist and Reconciliation are two sacraments that go hand in hand. In fact, in a meeting of volunteers a few days before the beginning of the Marian Eucharistic Youth Day, the volunteers were asked to freely go to the sacrament of Confession to be in a state of grace.

None of this would have been possible without the priests who were completely available. There was a priest who told us that you could tell that the Lord had poured Himself out by the number of confessions. Christ touched the hearts of many young people who came to be reconciled with Him.

The young people were able to attend workshops with various experts on topics such as the Eucharist, culture and the persecuted Church. What were the criteria for choosing these topics and the speakers?

- We wanted the young people to be able to be trained in a dynamic way, and that is the origin of the Eucharistic workshops.

The role of persecuted Christians was very central, because we felt it was important for young people to know the testimonies of our brothers and sisters in faith who are giving their lives.

Enriching and fun workshops were also held in close collaboration with associations such as "Valiván" or the Hogar de la Madre.

The young people during one of the prepared sessions (JEMJ)

What fruits have you observed in the young people after the Eucharistic Marian Youth Day?

- We are impressed. It was the first day and the first fruit that I see is in my husband and me. The heart rested in a healthy environment, where the Lord was at the center. What we experienced there, the joy on the faces of the people, the willingness and dedication of the volunteers... It was impressive.

Eucharistic Adoration during the Eucharistic Marian Youth Day (JEMJ)

Next year, the Day will be held again, are you confident that it will be a long-term project that will become a tradition?

- We are constantly in the hands of the Holy Spirit. Seeing the fruit of this first Day, we think it would be good to continue with the initiative. From now on we are in the hands of the Lord, the only thing we do is to work for Him and for His Church.

What is needed in the formation of children and young people so that they do not doubt the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist?

- In the end it is a grace of God, but we have to put the young people "in range". We must give young people what they need, without watering down their formation. The heart of the young person is made for the Truth and for great things.

God is alive, there is no need to put words in His mouth, He speaks directly to the young man and He is in love with him and wants to talk to him. Therefore, when one really shows the greatness of God as he is, God pours himself out.

Summary of the Eucharistic Marian Youth Day 2024
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