
Various denominations create the Interfaith Dialogue Table of Spain

This initiative aims to increase collaboration, knowledge and common work among religious entities present in Spain.

Maria José Atienza-September 16, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
Various denominations create the Interfaith Dialogue Table of Spain

Photo: Signing of the constitution of the Interconfessional Dialogue Table of Spain.

The initiative has arisen from a group of representatives of different Christian denominations with members in Spain and aims, among its objectives, to ensure the right to religious freedom of believers.

The Anglican Cathedral of the Redeemer in Madrid hosted the constitution of the Bureau of Interfaith Dialogue of Spain. The act was centered on the reading of a Communiqué of constitution and its signature by all the Christian confessions that form part of this Table.

The Catholic Church through the Subcommission for Interfaith Relations and Interreligious Dialogue of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, the Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain (FEREDE), the Metropolis of Spain and Portugal of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Romanian Orthodox Bishopric of Spain and Portugal, the Russian Orthodox Bishopric of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Spanish Evangelical Church (IEE), the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church (Anglican Communion), the Church of England (Diocese of Europe), the German-speaking Evangelical Community of Madrid, the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Syro-Orthodox Church are the confessions that are, as of today, part of this Bureau.

The main purposes of this Bureau, according to the note published on the occasion of its constitution, are "to promote dialogue and collaboration for the common good among the Christian confessions present in Spain in those issues that are appropriate. To watch over and work to guarantee the adequate exercise of the fundamental right to religious freedom of believers and to contribute fundamental values to society, highlighting the capacity of the Christian faith to build bridges between people".

All this through "respectful, sincere and constructive" institutional dialogue, collaboration in areas of common interest and even "the exchange of resources, when possible according to their own doctrines".

Carolina Bueno Calvo, executive secretary of FEREDE, the Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain will be the president of this table that will count, as vice presidents, with Mons. Ramón Valdivia Giménez, president of the Subcommission for the Interconfessional Relations of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, and Mons. Rafael Vázquez Jiménez, director of the Secretariat of the Episcopal Subcommission for Interconfessional Relations of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, will be the secretary of this Table.

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