The Vatican

The Holy Family and applause for Benedict XVI fill Saint Peter's

On this last Sunday of the year, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. God has come to dwell in our lives and to save us in a family. Let us defend and sustain the family, the Pope said, after encouraging the faithful to applaud Benedict XVI, who died a year ago today. May he "bless and accompany us from heaven.

Francisco Otamendi-December 31, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

On Holy Family Sunday, the last day of 2023, the Church paid tribute to Benedict XVI on the first anniversary of his death. 

After its brief meditation The Pope recalled that on 31 December last, Benedict XVI concluded his earthly journey, "after having served the Church with love and wisdom. We feel so much affection, so much gratitude, so much admiration for him. May he bless and accompany us from heaven". 

He then asked for a round of applause for his predecessorHe invited all the faithful to join in the applause in St. Peter's Square.

Defending and sustaining the family

Before the tribute to Benedict XVIthe Church has addressed an appeal in tune with today's feast through the Roman Pontiff: "A special greeting to the families and to those connected by the media. Let us not forget that the family is the fundamental cell of society. It must always be defended and sustained. 

The meditation began by recalling the prophecy received by Mary: "A sword will pierce your soul", in order to emphasize that "they arrive in poverty and leave loaded with suffering. It is surprising: how is it possible that the Family of Jesus, the only family in history that can boast of the presence of God in the flesh, instead of being rich, is poor! Instead of being relieved, it seems to be hindered! Instead of being free from toil, it is immersed in great pain!".

A tiny baby in a woman's womb

The arrival of Jesus into this world, "in the womb of a family, that of Mary and Joseph, a poor family, means something very beautiful: God, whom we often imagine to be beyond problems, although useful to eliminate them from our lives, has come to dwell in our lives with his problems," said the Pope, who stressed that God "has saved us in this way, dwelling among us: 'he did not come as an adult, but as a tiny baby in the womb of a woman; he lived in a family, the son of a mother and a father; there he spent most of his time, growing up, learning, in a life made of daily life, concealment and silence'." 

You are not alone!

Jesus comes to tell the familiesIf you are having difficulties, I know what you are feeling, I have experienced it: my mother, my father and I have experienced it, to tell your family too: you are not alone!"

Mary and Joseph "were amazed at the things they said about Jesus. The ability to be amazed can be a secret to get along well in the family. Knowing how to be amazed first of all by God". How? "By living simple moments of prayer at home, together, as if inviting him to be among us, and thus allowing ourselves to be regenerated by the peace and love that only he can give. But it is also good to know how to be amazed by one's spouse, for example, by taking him or her by the hand and looking into his or her eyes at night for a few moments, with tenderness". 

The miracle of life

"And then to marvel at the miracle of life, of children, finding time to play with them and to listen to them. find time to play and walk with the children. And to marvel at the wisdom and serenity of grandparents, who bring life back to basics. And, finally, to marvel at one's own love story, in which God believes, even when it seems to us that the negative aspects prevail".

At the end of the meditation, he asked "Mary, Queen of the family, to help us to be surprised every day by the good and to know how to see it in the faces of those around us".

Nigeria, Ukraine, Holy Land, Sudan...

In his concluding remarks, Francis asked God to deliver Nigeria from the horrors of violence, and reminded us to continue to pray for those in need. peoples suffering from warThe people of Ukraine, the people of Israel and Palestine, the Sudanese people, and so many others," as well as the Rohingyas.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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