
Ancient and Medieval Church History

David Fernández Alonso recommends reading Ancient and Medieval Church Historyby Fermín Labarga.

David Fernández Alonso-May 16, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute
ancient medieval church


TitleHistory of the Ancient and Medieval Church
AuthorFermín Labarga
Pages: 210
Editorial: EUNSA
City: Pamplona
Year: 2022

The ISCR Manuals Collection, which offers study materials in theology, philosophy and other sciences, already has a wide repertoire of volumes. The collection has been a response to the interest of many people in acquiring a serious and profound philosophical and theological formation that enriches their Christian life and helps them to live their faith with coherence. In this case, they present a new book on Church History, ancient and medieval, essential for the integral formation of those who study any humanistic discipline. 

In this manual, Fermín Labarga, professor of Church History in the Faculty of Theology at the University of Navarra, covers the main events from the birth of the Church in apostolic times until the fall of Constantinople in 1453, focusing also on theological and spiritual currents. The resources that accompany the bulk of the text are a great support to the main content: tables with the list of the Popes, tables with quotes from the protagonists of each era, self-made maps, and self-evaluation exercises, and lists of supporting bibliography.

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