The Vatican

"We need grandparents, let's not allow them to be discarded!" 

Pope Francis' message for the third edition of the World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly focuses on the role of the elderly in families, loneliness and their contribution to society.

Antonino Piccione-June 24, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes

In his moving message in view of the World Day to be celebrated next July 23rdin exactly one month's time, the Pope Francis has drawn attention to the important role that grandparents and the elderly play in the life of families and in society as a whole.

With the commitment to value their wisdom and experience because they are "a treasure in our families". He emphasizes that the grandparents bring with them a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective that they can share with younger generations.

The Pope also highlighted the crucial role of grandparents in the education of grandchildren, stating that "their voice is precious because it speaks to the hearts of children." He encouraged grandparents to spend time with their grandchildren, to share with them their stories, their faith and their life experience. This generational exchange, the Pope stressed, is fundamental for the growth and development of children.

The Pope's message also highlights the challenge that many grandparents face in the context of modern society, where people often live far from family members. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong bond between grandparents and grandchildren despite physical distances, encouraging the use of technology to keep in touch and share special moments.

The Pope also speaks about the loneliness that many elderly people experiencenoting that "many grandparents feel lonely, often due to the new social and cultural dynamics in which we live". He urges families and society as a whole not to forget grandparents and to care for them. He recalls that respect and care for the elderly are indicators of a healthy and humane society.

Messages also to young people

Finally, the Pope encourages young people to never forget the roots and history of their families. He invites young people to learn from the elderly and to value the gift of life they receive from them. He concludes his message with a call to all to celebrate grandparents, thank them for their love and dedicate a special day during the year to them.

The World Day of Grandparents and the Elderlyestablished by Pope Francis in 2021The event offers an opportunity to reflect on the importance of grandparents in our lives and to recognize their valuable contribution to society. It is an occasion to celebrate and honor grandparents, thank them for their love, support and wisdom.

Francis emphasizes: "Yes, it is the elderly who transmit to us our belonging to the holy People of God. The Church, like society, needs them. They bring to the present a past necessary for building the future. Let us honor them, let us not deprive ourselves of their company and let us not deprive them of ours, let us not allow them to be discarded!".

The authorAntonino Piccione

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