
God above all

María José Atienza recommends reading God above allby Pilar Abraira C.S.

Maria José Atienza-May 15, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute
God above all


TitleGod above all
AuthorPilar Abraira, C.S.
Pages: 320
Editorial: Word
City: Madrid
Year: 2022

God above all. This could be the summary of the life of Venerable Mother Felix, foundress of the Company of the Savior, in charge of the Mater Salvatoris schools located in various cities of Spain and Latin America. The life of this religious takes its first turn at the age of 14 when she decides to give her life to God. A divine call that will experience many ups and downs: family opposition, misunderstanding of her spiritual director or the outbreak of the Civil War are part of this path that would see its full realization with the founding of the Society of the Savior, a "Society of Jesus for women" as she herself called it. The first years of this company, the difficulties of the beginnings or the first steps in teaching in post-war times are collected together with snippets of the interior life of this woman in love with God. Luis Mª Mendizábal, whose encouragement and formation in the spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola made possible this Society and Mother Felix's full response to God's will. 

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