
Forum Omnes "Benedict XVI. Reason and Faith" with Pablo Blanco, winner of the Ratzinger Prize 2023.

On December 14, the Villanova University of Madrid will host the Omnes Forum "Benedict XVI. La razón y la fe" which will feature Pablo Blanco Sarto, recently awarded the Ratzinger Prize 2023.

Maria José Atienza-December 1, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes

On December 14, the Omnes Forum "Benedict XVI. Reason and Faith" will take place on December 14, with the participation as keynote speaker of Fr. Pablo Blanco Sartoprofessor of Dogmatic Theology at the University of Navarra and recently awarded the Ratzinger Prize 2023.

The meeting will be moderated by Juan Manuel Burgosphilosopher, founder and president of the Spanish Association of Personalism and the Ibero-American Association of Personalism. 

Pablo Blanco

Pablo Blanco is one of the most recognized experts on Benedict XVI today. He is a member of the editorial board of the Opera omnia from Joseph Ratzinger in Spanish in the BAC publishing house and has written, in addition to a biography of Benedict XVI, other titles such as Benedict XVI, the theologian pope, Joseph Ratzinger. Life and Theology, Benedict XVI and the Second Vatican Council. o The theology of Joseph Ratzinger.

In Omnes, Blanco has published numerous articles, among them The Magisterium of Benedict XVI o Hans Küng and Joseph Ratzinger, a difficult friendship.

Omnes Forum "Benedict XVI. Reason and Faith." will take place in person the next Thursday, December 14 at 19:00 h. at Universidad Villanueva (C/ Costa Brava 6. Madrid).

As a follower and reader of Omnes, we invite you to attend. If you would like to attend, please confirm your attendance by sending an email to [email protected](Prior registration is required)

The Forum, organized by Omnes, is sponsored by CARF Foundationand the Banco Sabadell.

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