United States

For a better policy in the United States

Faced with the palpable polarization in society, the United States Conference of Bishops has launched the "Conversing Civilly" campaign to promote and cultivate the "culture of encounter" of which Francis speaks.

Gonzalo Meza-September 15, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

Photo credit: Caleb Fisher / Unsplash

In the United States there is a palpable polarization in all sectors of society, from the Church to politics, a fact that became more evident in the last presidential elections. In response to this climate, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) launched on September 7 a campaign called "Conversing Civilly.

Towards a culture of encounter

This initiative is based on the call made by Pope Francis in the encyclical Fratelli Tutti: to seek "a better politics at the service of the true common good" (no. 154). The project aims to offer a model of politics that helps cultivate a culture of encounter and seek perspectives based on truth, justice and solidarity. Even if we have divergent opinions and ideas, "we can see ourselves as members of one family. We can identify common values, listen to each other for understanding and seek truth together. We can jointly devise creative solutions to the problems facing our world," the campaign says. 

Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City and chairman of the USCCB's National Justice and Human Development Committee reflected on the importance of the initiative at this time in the life of the country: "The project aims to give Catholics elements to address the division and polarization in society that is also reflected in the Church. Such division among the faithful jeopardizes the Church's ability to give effective witness to the life and dignity of the human person in the family, in the parish and in the political sphere." 

Charity, clarity and creativity

Many dioceses in the country will be joining this project, but anyone can join -through the webpage https://www.usccb.org/es/civilizeit - making a commitment on a personal level in three areas: charity, clarity and creativity. Charity to recognize that every person is created in the image of God, even those with whom one disagrees. Clarity to ensure that one's opinions are rooted in the truth of the Gospel and reliable sources of information. In this area the participant commits himself to form his conscience "through prayer, the study of the Scriptures and the teachings of the Church".

Finally, creativity in building bridges and dialogues based on shared values as well as humility in seeking the good. A number of resources are available on the website including guidelines for an examination of conscience, short reflections, prayers and a guide that will help individuals, families and communities to build bridges of fraternity and dialogue, even when they have divergent perspectives.

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