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Monsignor Fisichella: "We are kept company by hope."

In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee, Omnes spoke with Bishop Rino Fisichella, organizer and coordinator of the event.

Giovanni Tridente-June 8, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

Bishop Rino Fisichella ©CNS/Vatican Media

"One of the tasks that we must undertake as Church in this historic moment is surely to reach everyone through the message that the Jubilee brings. And the message is that of hope. It is not by chance that Pope Francis has chosen as his motto 'Pilgrims of Hope'. This means that we are on a journey, but we are not alone: the one who keeps us company is precisely hope". These are the words of Bishop Rino Fisichella, proprefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, to whom Pope Francis has entrusted the organization and coordination of the upcoming jubilee 2025The event was organized in the context of an initiative to present the preparatory work for the event at which Omnes was present.

How to represent hope?

- It is difficult to represent hope, but I believe that through the logo chosen for the Jubilee we have succeeded in some way. Hope is first and foremost the cross of Christ, which is the sign of the Father's love. But that cross is in the shape of a sail and is directed towards four people clinging to each other, while the first one clings to the cross; they represent the whole world from the four cardinal points. The cross ends in an anchor: in the sea of our life, which is often stormy, we have the certainty and confidence of knowing to whom we can turn.

A clear concern in the magisterium of Pope Francis...

- The Pope becomes the interpreter of the needs of the Christian people. The Pope belongs to the people of believers and therefore lives with us the joys, hopes and expectations. Francis, like every pontiff, has a universal vision, thanks to all the men and women of every social stratum he meets every day, and precisely for this reason he also gives a voice to those who have no voice, especially the poorest and most marginalized.

How can we, as a Church, also live this dynamic of apostolate?

- When we speak of the Church, we must first of all see the Church that the Lord wanted. And the Lord wanted the Holy Spirit to be in our midst, to lead us to achieve the fullness of the teaching that Jesus has given us. Our "being Church" is first of all to participate in the life that God has given us. This is why every baptized person is the Church, but all the baptized together, if they do not live in the presence of the Spirit and filled with the presence of the Spirit, are only a social grouping. The desire to be part of the Church is not to force oneself to fill the day with things, but to have a relationship with God, who in turn teaches us how to relate to each other.

Pilgrims' Center inaugurated

On Wednesday, June 7, in the presence of the Cardinal Secretary of State, was inaugurated in Via della Conciliazione, a few steps from St. Peter's Basilica, the Pilgrims' Center - Info Point, which will welcome millions of the faithful who will arrive in Rome for the jubilee 2025.

The Center will provide advance information about the Holy Year and organize the pilgrimage to Rome, as well as being a meeting point for volunteers who will assist pilgrims and tourists. It will also be possible to register for the pilgrimage to the Holy Door and for the various events that are being prepared. "We want the experience of the pilgrimage to Rome to be a family experience," Cardinal Parolin said after the blessing of the premises. "Here is the visible center of the Catholic faith, and my wish is that everyone feels like a child of this mother who wants to embrace everyone."

The authorGiovanni Tridente

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