
The Order of the Holy Sepulcher assists the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Maria José Atienza-October 2, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

The blow that the coronavirus pandemic has dealt in the Holy Land to the system of religious pilgrimages and tourism has caused many families to see their main economic engine endangered in recent months. In these difficult times, the Grand Magisterium of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre has been able to send 3 million to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, in addition to the regular aid provided each month.to meet the humanitarian needs of its faithful. 

This aid has made it possible to respond quickly to a series of urgent needs, including attention to the basic needs of 2,400 families in more than 30 parishes with the distribution of vouchers for food, hygiene and child care products, medicines and payment of bills, as highlighted by the General Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Sami El-Yousef as well as helping 1,238 families in Jordan and 1,180 families in Palestine to pay school fees. 

This special donation was made possible thanks to the response of the various Lieutenancies of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre throughout the world. As highlighted by the Governor General of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Amb. Leonardo Visconti di Modrone "although they also had to face the needs caused by the health emergency in their own countries, they wanted to make their closeness to their brothers in the Holy Land felt. We are grateful that the special support from the Covid-19 fund did not replace the regular commitment of our members to contribute to the daily life of the diocese of Jerusalem, but rather added to it."

Ongoing support

The situation in the Holy Land, as in several other countries, continues to show critical situations and, in the coming weeks and months, the funds sent will continue to be used so as not to abandon those who continue to find themselves in a state of need. The purpose of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher is to help its members in their quest for holiness and, in particular, to help the Christian presence in the Holy Land by providing the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem with the financial means to support its structures. This translates into economic collaboration and the promotion of pilgrimages to the Land of the Lord. All this united to the prayer for their brothers in the Holy Land.

Response to the serious situation caused by COVID19 "has far exceeded our expectations and has given us the breathing space we needed to face this emergency with greater serenity. We have all been surprised and impressed by the immediate response and its scope."he pointed out Msgr. Pierbattista PizzaballaApostolic Administrator of the Patriarchate.

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