
Chiara Lubich's culture of unity at UCV

Omnes-November 25, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

The Catholic University of Valencia is hosting this afternoon a symposium focused on the political, economic and spiritual dimension of the culture of unity promoted by the foundress of the Focolare, Chiara Lubich, in the year of its centenary.

The symposium, for which online registration is available, is organized by the Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Mártir and the Asociación Humanidad Nueva España (AHNE) and its purpose is to make society aware of the figure of Chiara Lubich and its universal contribution in various fields: political, economic, socio-cultural and spiritual.


The symposium will start this afternoon at 5:30 pm. Although the symposium has a face-to-face part, it is already full, so the online program will be developed as follows:

18:15 h. Preamble: "Who Is Chiara Lubich?"
Ms. Lourdes Illán Ortega
Psychologist. Master in Sexual and Couple Therapy, Master in Clinical Psychology.

18:30 h. 1st Presentation: "Chiara Lubich, A New Politics For New Times."
Ms. Nieves Cruz Barrientos
President of the Political Movement for Unity in Spain.

19:00 h. 2nd Presentation: "Economy Of Communion: A New Prophetic And Inclusive Proposal".
Dr. Mª Asunción Esteso Blasco
President of the Asociación Economía de Comunión España, PhD in Economics from the UCV.

19:30 h.: Break/ Coffee Break

20:00 h. 3rd Presentation: "Cities for Fraternity, Working Together for a Common Project".
Maria Jose Soria Martinez
Vice President of the Cities for Fraternity Association

20:30 h. 4th Presentation: "Chiara Lubich, A Charism Of Light For Humanity".
Ms. Clara López Gonzalo.
Industrial Engineer ICAI, MBA Universidad de Nebrija, Member of High Performance Executives of the Energy Sector Company.
D. Ernesto Cubero Machín
Labor Lawyer, Master in Law, Professor at CEU Colegio Abogados Madrid and Valencia.

21:00 h. Round Table and Closing
Speakers and Moderators

Chiara Lubich (1920 - 2020)

The centennial year of Chiara Lubich, founder of the movement of the Focolarebegan on December 7, 2019 and will conclude in a few weeks under the slogan. Celebrate to meet Chiara Lubich. A very special year and also different from what was expected. The pandemic has conditioned our lives and also our ways of celebrating and meeting; many of the events planned have become online.

Starting from a deep spirituality that made her experience again and again that God is Love, that He is Father of all and desires the unity of the human family, Chiara Lubich worked tirelessly to spread this ideal and to make every person she met feel that we are brothers and sisters and nothing that happens to them is indifferent. Through her and others, there are many people throughout the world who live in this way, with the aim of building universal fraternity, a fraternity that respects diversities and, even more, is enriched precisely by them.

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