
Mabe Andrada. Discovering the divine in every day

A communicator, designer and illustrator, Mabe Andrada, a native of Paraguay, had a strong experience of God's presence in her life during a time of particular physical and moral suffering. 

Juan Carlos Vasconez-March 23, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
Mabe Andrada

Mabe Andrada is a 31-year-old communicator born in Asunción, Paraguay.
It defines itself in a simple and profound way: "I am a child of God." This phrase is not just a statement but a fundamental conviction that shapes his existence and guides his path.

Graduated in Communication Sciences with a major in Advertising and Marketing, Mabe displays her talents and passions in various fields. She works as a content coordinator at a family publishing company and also works as an editor at Catholic Linka website dedicated to disseminating Catholic content online. In addition to this, Mabe is an illustrator and runs an illustration project called Artifex Notes, @artifex.noteson Instagram. 

Beyond her roles and activities, Mabe sees her life as a continuous process of coming closer to God and living her faith.

A gradual encounter

Mabe's encounter with the faith was not a sudden event, but a gradual journey of discovery and deepening. Mabe recalls that she was raised in a Catholic family where the presence of God was a certainty in her life even though her understanding of the faith lacked solid doctrinal foundations.

This situation changed during her college years, it was at this time that Mabe began to further explore her relationship with God, influenced by conversations with a classmate who introduced her to the world of spirituality and religious reflection.

Mabe's search to know God and establish a more intimate relationship with Him led her to discover Opus Dei, an institution of the Catholic Church in which the young communicator found, in her own words, "a concrete way to live your faith on a daily basis".

In this spirituality, Mabe found the practices of piety that she longed to incorporate into her daily life, as well as a sense of belonging and vocation that drives her to continue deepening her spiritual journey.

Finding God in sadness

Throughout his life, Mabe points out that "has experienced the tangible presence of God at various times, both on great occasions and in the seemingly insignificant details of everyday life." Although this is clear to her, Mabe is convinced that God's "special impact" on her life was both her favorite and saddest moment. She says that her deepest contact with God occurred at a moment when "I was going through serious health problems, which forced me to work less, give up some activities I liked and even rethink the meaning of my whole existence." 

Mabe explains this paradoxical moment in her life: she qualifies it as her favorite moment because it was then that she discovered the profound value and meaning of pain: "I was in pain," she says.When one can be alone with God who is alone; when human and divine conversations become more intimate, when one acquires the certainty that He is taking the hand that is extended to Him and, although it seems that He is "pressing" that hand, in reality He is holding on to it so that we do not slip." 

Mabe aspires to be remembered as someone who sought to live in tune with her faith and her deep love for God. Her life, marked by a constant search for a closer relationship with the divine, is a testimony to the beauty and depth of the spiritual path, and in some way she wants to leave an inspiring mark on those who know her, especially the people who read her writings.

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