
Education by Right" is born in defense of freedom of education

Maria José Atienza-November 25, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

An initiative of a group of Spanish legal professionals, this commission aims to join forces in favor of freedom of education and to coordinate the exercise of legal actions in its defense.

The delicate situation of educational freedom in Spain has led a group of legal professionals to set up "Education by right"a nationwide Legal Commission for the freedom of education.

The professionals that make up this Commission belong to law firms with extensive experience in the defense of freedom of education in different judicial instances both nationally and internationally in Spain. Supported by a wide variety of educational entities, Education by right aims to "to coordinate all legal actions to be taken from now on at regional and national level, in order to demand the scrupulous compliance with the Constitution and International Treaties and Conventions, as well as the consolidated jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court.".

The activity of this committee is designed to "a clearly practical work in defense of the freedom of education, aimed at legal advice and to bring legal action as necessary where families, schools and educational or religious associations see their freedom in the field of education threatened"..

 Defense points

The main points of defense contemplated by this commission include the following "the right of parents to choose the moral and religious formation they wish for their children and the right to choose the educational center in which to study; the right to create educational institutions, as well as the right of those who personally carry out the function of teaching, to develop it with full freedom within the constitutional framework.".

They also claim that The "concerted education is not constantly discriminated against by the permanent reduction of resources by the administrations, which, under the so-called 'publicification' of the right to education, seek to establish a single school model that violates the existence of a plural and open society". and reject "the closure of special education centers. A model that has demonstrated and accredited its efficiency".

Support from educational entities

Among the endorsements received Education by right are the CEU, the Catholic Association of Propagandiststhe educational foundation Educatio Servanda or the platform which brings together associations, groups and educational institutions that demand the right to freedom of education in the face of the constant attack to which it has been subjected in recent months.

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