
EWTN TV prepares to take off in Spain

The world's largest Catholic communications group, EWTN, is already in Spain. It has just announced that it will start broadcasting on December 8, 2020. It is not generalist, but it is more than a religious information channel. It was founded almost 40 years ago by Mother Angelica in Alabama (USA). We spoke with its president in Spain, José Carlos González-Hurtado Collado.

Francisco Otamendi-September 25, 2020-Reading time: 5 minutes

Mother Angelica left this world in 2016, but her legacy continues. EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network is seen in 150 countries and its managers are preparing its launch in Spain.

Its president, José Carlos González-Hurtado Collado, studied Business Studies and Law at ICADE, and returned to Spain this year after 25 years. "I have had a long career in multinational companies." "I am the happy husband of Doris, of Austrian nationality, who D.m. will come to live in Spain for the first time, and the happy father of 7 children".." he adds. EWTN Spain will not carry advertising, as in any other country, so its president asks for collaboration from Spanish society.

-Could you explain the main messages of Mother Angelica?

EWTN was founded by Mother Angelica, a contemplative and partially disabled nun, who at the age of almost 60 founded it in Alabama, in the heart of American Protestantism. Today, it has become the largest religious media network, not only Catholic, in the world, with an estimated 310 million households watching it every day ... It is impossible not to see the hand of Providence. 

EWTN is an unequivocally Catholic network, very close to the Magisterium of the Church. We have also been called "uncompletely Catholic". Many Spaniards know but do not remember how wonderful it is to know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and to have the Church as our Mother. They have been distanced from their own happiness by a suffocatingly anti-Catholic environment and encouraged by a belligerent media against the Church. We come to kindle the light of the Gospel in millions of homes in Spain. Look, the Catholic faith is a wonderful gift and something we sometimes forget or take for granted...; we want to bring the joy and pride of being Catholic to those who need to remember it, or know it for the first time. 

-This is not a general information channel, but a channel focused on religious information. Is this correct? 

EWTN is not a generalist channel, it is an unequivocally Catholic channel. But it is not just a religious information channel. It is a channel that will provide a wide range of programming for the formation and information of all. It includes discussion programs, news programs, entertainment programs for children and youth, animation programs, exclusive series, live coverage of Church events, documentaries, short films and movies..., all always in conformity with the magisterium of the Catholic Church. Finally a TV channel that the whole family can watch without feeling offended or embarrassed! We will also have a YouTube channel and a presence that we are already building on Facebook and Instagram.

Arrival in Spain

-You have stated that EWTN is coming to Spain. "at a time when we need it most".

A friend of mine recently told me "The orcs have come to the kitchen. We have left them and they are stealing everything we care about." I think it is a good image of what is happening in our country. I say this with no intention of offending anyone... and I beg you to consider it so. I am Spanish, very much so, but I have been living outside Spain for 25 years. Now I return and I find a country that is in some aspects unrecognizable, and not for the better. There are many who show a great determination to uproot and shred every one of the values of Christianity. I believe that what we Catholics have lacked is to act as Our Lord asked of us, as salt and light of the world and also of our land. We Catholics have to recognize "our dignity" as St. Leo the Great told us, and to remember that we are "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a people chosen by God to proclaim his wonders." in the words of St. Peter. 

I am optimistic because I know that in the end Good will win - that is what we have been promised by those who can do it - but I am also a realist and I know that Evil exists and may be stronger today than ever and that all it needs to spread is for the good guys to do nothing. EWTN is a magnificent, I would say unique instrument for that purpose.

-¿Will EWTN be pay-per-view or free-to-air, and will it have conventional advertising?

We intend to create EWTN Spain so that it can be accessed from all platforms (Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Euskaltel...) and for that we are negotiating with them. In this way we estimate that we would reach 70 % of Spanish households. 

It is important to mention that EWTN will not carry advertising (neither in Spain nor in any other part of the world); this avoids possible interference from advertisers and allows the Catholic message to be conveyed to the public. "unaccompanied". But on the other hand, it limits the sources of financing... For this reason, I would like to ask all the readers of Palabra that if you want a TV channel that serves your faith and helps to create a Christian society in our country and for your families, please collaborate. I would like to ask you very directly to donate to make EWTN a reality in Spain. I am told that in Spain there is no "culture" to donate. I believe that Spaniards are generous with projects that they see as urgent and necessary. This is one of them. 

-What is your plan for launching in Spain and what are the objectives? Are you going to appeal to Catholics?

The great advantage of EWTN Spain is that it has access to all EWTN Global content without restrictions. That is why the budget we need for the launch is limited. A little more than 2 million euros of which more than 90 % will be used for adaptation, distribution and advertising and marketing... And yes, we appeal to Spanish Catholics to collaborate in creating "your" TV channel.

A secular project

-Is EWTN linked to the Catholic hierarchy in any country?

Of course we have contacts with the pastors of the Church, some Spanish bishops have shown us great support and I want to thank them from here; also the global CEO of EWTN belongs to the group of media advisors of the Holy Father, but something distinctive of EWTN is that both in Spain and around the world it is run by committed lay Catholics. This is what the founder wanted and this is how it has been done. 

EWTN does not belong to any diocese or to the Episcopal Conference in Spain or in any other country, nor is it affiliated with any group or movement within or outside the Church, nor is it linked to any association or political party. St. John Paul II said that "the hour of the laity has sounded". and called us to lead the new evangelization. EWTN is answering that call, and I ask you and your readers to pray for the project. It is much needed. 

EWTN Profiles

Beginnings: In 1981, a religious superior of a contemplative convent in Alabama opened a television channel. She was Rita Antoinette Francis Rizzo, Mother Angelica. Today EWTN is seen in 310 million homes.

Catholic:EWTN is not a generalist channel, but it is not only a religious information channel. Everything is broadcast in accordance with the magisterium of the Catholic Church, assures its president.

Resources: EWTN does not carry advertising and its leaders want to ask Spaniards to donate and be generous with this project.

Equipment: "It's an extraordinary management team," says González-Hurtado, augmented by fundraising and media experts.

More information: It can be found at

How to support

First, with prayer. The president of EWTN Spain, José Carlos González-Hurtado, calls on all of us to "to pray for the project. It is much needed. 

Donations. You can contact us through the email [email protected] or through the website And for donations you can send a bank transfer to the current account ES 96 2038 2207 1460 0099 1530, opened in the name of Asociación EWTN España, or send a nominative check to EWTN España at c/Lazo 4, Santo Domingo, 28120 Madrid.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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