
Spain is the country with the most young people at WYD in Lisbon

Today, July 21, 2023, the Spanish Episcopal Conference held a presentation on Spain's participation in WYD at its headquarters in Madrid. Arturo Ros, president of the Episcopal Subcommission for Youth and Children, and, in person, Raúl Tinajero, director of the Youth Pastoral Department of the CEE.

Loreto Rios-July 21, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

WYD Lisbon Youth ©️Duarte Mourão Nunes| WYD Lisbon 2023

With more than 75,000 young people registered in the WYD Lisbon 2023Spain is positioned as the country that will carry the largest number of pilgrims, ahead of even Portugal.

In addition, there are about 25,000 young people who have the registration process open and pending completion, and it is expected that those not registered will come to the Portuguese capital on the last days of the event for the meeting with the Pope. Therefore, it is easy to surpass the figure of 100,000 Spaniards at WYD. Taking into account that there are about 400,000 registered participants in general, from 151 different countries, the Spanish presence would represent a quarter of the total.

"Let's go to Lisbon to celebrate our faith in Jesus."

Arturo Ros began his speech by pointing out that, apart from the data, "we cannot forget the essential", that WYD is "an event of faith" in which "the joy of believing in Jesus Christ" is celebrated. "We are going to Lisbon to celebrate our faith in Jesus," he said. The young people are setting out "as Mary set out," he stressed, referring to the motto of this WYD, "Mary arose and departed without delay" (Lk 1:39), the beginning of the scene of the Visitation.

Seventy-one Spanish bishops will participate in WYD. During August 2, 3 and 4, they will give 25 catecheses in Spanish daily. There will be more catechesis in Spanish given by the Hispanic American bishops.

The central days of WYD will be from August 1 to 6. Previously, the pilgrims will live the "Days in the Dioceses", from July 26 to 30, an experience in which 8000 Spanish youth from 45 dioceses, 2 congregations and 2 youth movements are registered.

The host dioceses will be Coimbra, Viseu, Viana do Castelo, Leiria-Fatima, Braga, Aveiro, Porto, Faro, Evora and Madeira.

Spanish meeting in Estoril

On July 31, the meeting of the Spaniards will be held in Estoril, with the participation of 37375 young people from 67 dioceses in Spain, 32 religious congregations and 11 national and international movements.

At this meeting, after celebrating the Eucharist, presided by Cardinal Juan José Omella, Archbishop of Barcelona, and concelebrated by 70 bishops and more than 1,000 priests, a musical festival of Catholic music will take place under the title "Caminos de Juventud", with artists such as Grilex, La voz del desierto, Marta Mesa or Jesús Cabello, among others.

Participation of Nacho Cano in the festival

In addition, Nacho Cano, the singer of the group Mecano, will participate on his own initiative with two songs from his musical "Malinche". Raúl Tinajero has pointed out that this decision of the artist is "a real gift for everyone".

For this meeting, the slogan is "We are next door neighbors", in reference to the proximity between Spain and Portugal, a phrase with which different colored T-shirts have already been prepared.

Lodging and meals

The young people will stay in 150 common spaces (schools, sports halls, etc.) and with more than 1,000 Portuguese families. Raúl Tinajero pointed out the importance of these meetings with the families, as he affirms that it is known from previous WYDW which is one of the parts of this event that stays with young people in the long run.

There will be two information points for young Spaniards: at the Júpiter Hotel, in the center of Lisbon, and at the Cascais City Hall, at the Estoril Congress Palace.

Raul Tinajero has also pointed out that there will be two different food formulas for pilgrims: catering and through supermarkets and fast food restaurants that will provide prepared food for registered pilgrims (which can be accredited with the QR code of registration). Through an app, it will be possible to see the food points distributed throughout the city of Lisbon in order to choose the nearest one.

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