Culture St. Josemaría's works in a renewed and expanded website

The new website replaces the previous and contains all 14 of the author's books published so far presented in a way that eliminates problems such as language, vision, connection and device compatibility issues.

Maria José Atienza-September 30, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
josemaria opus dei

Photo: St. Josemaría Escrivá at the Panamerican University Residence (Mexico City, Mexico) May 21, 1970 ©Opus dei

All the works of St. Josemaría Escrivá, available in 20 languages and accessible to everyone through the web.

The new website, powered by La Studium FoundationThe book, which is the copyright holder of the works of St. Josemaría Escrivá, was presented in Valencia on Friday, September 29, in an event that included the presence of the priest Mariano FazioAna Escauriaza, historian and researcher at the CEJE (Center for Documentation and Studies Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer), and Ricardo Velesar, member of ONCE.

A website that will continue to expand

The new website contains the 14 books of St. Josemaría published so far, although the aim is to expand this collection to include his complete works as the printed edition is published, a work that will be carried out by the Rialp publishing house.

Although the website has been launched in more than 20 languages, the website's promoters plan to include more than 140 available translations of their texts.

Valencia, the city in which the first edition of "The Way"This new portal, designed for personal and consultative use, was presented on September 29, 1939, making navigation simple and intuitive.

In this sense, makes it easier for the visually impaired and is optimized for blind people to access its contents.

General view of the audience and table at the presentation of

The message of Opus Dei today

During the presentation of this new portal, the auxiliary vicar of Opus Dei stressed that "the strength of the writings, apart from the academic or literary, is that it helps us to be better".

Mariano Fazio also underlined how, in the works of St. JosemaríaThe whole charism of Opus Dei is contained in the work of Opus Dei: "That is why there is a common thread in all the works of Opus Dei. St. JosemaríaHoliness in the midst of the world through everyday tasks".

"I can be a saint selling coupons."

Ricardo Velesar, who is visually impaired, told his testimony of conversion and the new outlook on life that he discovered thanks to the works of the founder of Opus DeiThrough St. Josemaría's writings I discovered that I could be a saint by selling coupons. This changed my life.

Velesar also explained the accessibility of the new website for the visually impaired: "This website is good news because it will allow many people around the world, whatever their situation, to access the works of this saint".

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