
"In the European churches we would like to see the testimony of their faith."

François Saleh Moll is one of the protagonists of the Day of Prayer for Native Vocations Campaign and has shared with Omnes his vision of this day and how we can be part of this construction of the Church in mission territories.

Maria José Atienza-April 12, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute

Together with lay people, priests, consecrated women... etc. François Saleh Moll is one of the voices of this year's Campaign for the Day of Prayer for Native Vocations promoted by CEE, CONFER, CEDIS and Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS), with the slogan "Who am I for?".

This Xaverian Missionary, a native of Chad who lives in Morocco, wanted to share with Omnes a message of encouragement and hope on this Day. For Saleh Moll, "when we speak of native vocations, the most appropriate term would be vocations from the local churches".

This missionary reminds us that in continents like Asia or Africa "there is a positive response to evangelization. There are many conversions and vocations. A response that, he stresses, "gives meaning to our vocation, to our Christian existence".

How can Days of Prayer for Native Vocations help the development of local Churches in countries of new evangelization? In addition to the necessary economic contribution, Saleh Moll points out the importance of the "testimony of faith" and notes: "Today there is talk of a loss of European faith. The encouragement we would like to see in the European churches is that they themselves give witness to their faith, that they live the Sacraments and support it with prayer".

A call for encouragement

You can do it too! This is how François Saleh Moll bids farewell to the readers of Omnes, because "in each of your local churches you are also native vocations".

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