
Archbishop Juan del Rio, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, dies

Archbishop Castrense of Spain and president of the Episcopal Commission for Social Communications, died this morning at about 11:00 a.m. at the Central Defense Hospital "Gómez Ulla" as a result of the affections caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Maria José Atienza-January 28, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
mons. juan del rio

The military Archbishop had been admitted last Thursday to the Gómez Ulla hospital and since then his condition has worsened until today's fatal outcome, according to the military Archbishopric. The Archbishop's office has also thanked the health personnel for their efforts and professionalism in the care of the prelate.

The military chaplains, the government teams of the Archbishopric and the "St. John Paul II" Seminary, the seminarians and the staff of the Curia join the family in these moments of sorrow and raise their prayers for the eternal rest of their shepherd.

A few weeks ago, he addressed the team and readers of Omnes on the occasion of the launch of the new information project.

Biography of Bishop Juan del Río

Juan del Río Martín was born in Ayamonte (Huelva) on October 14, 1947. He studied high school at the Instituto Laboral in his hometown, and Philosophy and Theology at the Metropolitan Seminary and Center for Theological Studies in Seville (1973). He graduated from the University of Granada (1975) and received his Bachelor, Licentiate and Doctorate in Theology from the Gregorian University of Rome (1979-1984).

Ordained a priest on February 2, 1974 in Pilas (Seville), during his long ministry he held, among others, the following positions.

Formator and professor at the Minor Seminary of Pilas (1974-79). Pastor of St. Mary the Major of Pilas (1976-79). Vice-rector of the Metropolitan Major Seminary of Seville (1984-87). Professor of Theology at the Center for Theological Studies of Seville and Spiritual Director of the Brotherhood of Students (1984-2000). Professor of Religion at the "Ramón Carande" High School in Seville (1984-87). Pastor of Nuestra Señora de Valme and Beato Marcelo Spínola of Dos Hermanas (1987). Diocesan Delegate for University Ministry (1987-2000). Director of the Religious Assistance Service of the University of Seville, and Director of the Information Office of the Bishops of Southern Spain (1988-2000). Professor of the Institute of Liturgy "San Isidoro" of Seville (1993-2000). Professor of Theology at the University of Seville (1994-2000). Secretary of the Presbyteral Council of the Diocese of Seville (1995-2000).

Appointed Bishop of Asidonia-Jerez on June 29, 2000, he was ordained in the Cathedral of Jerez de la Frontera on September 23. On June 30, 2008, he received the appointment of Archbishop of Spain and Apostolic Administrator of Asidonia-Jerez. He took office as Archbishop Castrense on September 27, 2008. On April 22, 2009, he was appointed member of the Executive Committee of the EEC and on June 1, 2009, of the Central Council of Military Ordinaries.

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