
Nuria Gispert dies

The former president of Caritas Barcelona diocese between 1998 and 2004, and of Caritas Spain in 2004, died at the age of 84.

Ferran Blasi-September 18, 2020-Reading time: < 1 minute

Núria Gispert, born the same year as the beginning of the war, and who had always lived in Barcelona, in the neighborhood of Sant Andreu de Palomar, has died in Barcelona at the age of 84. Throughout her life, this neighborhood has witnessed the exercise of her role as a teacher and her work in the promotion of all kinds of social work, and her presence in politics.

Among his responsibilities is that of having been president of the Barcelona diocesan Caritas from 1998 to 2004, and of Spanish Caritas in 2004.

She was exemplary in everything, and always a consistent Catholic in her human and Christian concerns, and was a member of several left-wing parties.

Núria Gispert was a member of the Barcelona City Council, where she always kept in mind her social activism as part of her human and Christian commitment. One year, during the Merced Festivities, she gave the opening speech and spoke out strongly against unjust social inequalities.

He also helped other diverse social initiatives, and even after his retirement he continued with his active and stimulating presence in the tasks of the interreligious center Braval, in the orbit of the Church of Montalegre entrusted to the prelature of Opus Dei and other activities of social air as Trinitat Jove or the Pere Tarrés Foundation.

Núria Gispert had received the Gran Creu de Sant Jordi, from the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Gold Medal of the City.

The authorFerran Blasi

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