The Vatican

Pope admitted to Gemelli hospital for surgery

At the conclusion of the general audience on Wednesday, June 7, Pope Francis was transferred to the A. Gemelli hospital for an operation for "incarcerated laparocele". Gemelli hospital for an operation for "incarcerated laparocele".

Maria José Atienza-June 7, 2023-Reading time: < 1 minute
pope francisco

Photo: The Pope leaving the Genelli on April 1 ©OSV NEWS photo/Remo Casilli, Reuters

On Wednesday morning, June 7, the Vatican's Sala Stampa issued a brief note informing that Pope Francis had been admitted, at the end of the general audience of Wednesday, June 7, to the A. Gemelli University Hospital for surgery in the early afternoon.

According to the communication sent to journalists, Pope Francis will undergo an operation by "laparotomy and plastic surgery of the abdominal wall with prosthesis under general anesthesia".

The note underlines that the operation had been "arranged in the last few days by the medical team assisting the Holy Father" and was necessary due to an "incarcerated laparocele that is causing him recurrent, painful and worsening subocclusive syndromes".

The stay in the health center is expected to last several days "to allow for the normal course of the postoperative period and full functional recovery."

Second hospital admission in 3 months

This is the second time the Pope has been admitted to hospital in recent months. Last March 29, on the eve of the Holy Week celebrations, Francis was admitted to the Gemelli Polyclinic for "respiratory difficulties".

In relation to this admission, at first, the Sala Stampa spoke of "programmed revisions". This information was later rectified when the Holy Father's condition became known.

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