
The University of Navarra publishes an audio book of the Bible

More than one hundred hours of recordings are part of this audiobook with which the University celebrates 50 years of translation, commentary and digitization of the work.

Maria José Atienza-March 25, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
navarra bible

– Supernatural University of Navarra has developed an audiobook of the Bible. Through this accessible format, listeners have access to the entire content of the Holy Scriptures. The objective of this project, promoted by the Faculty of Theology and the publishing house Ediciones Universidad de Navarra (EUNSA), is to bring the Bible closer to the listeners in an easy way.

In this way, anyone can listen to the Bible while doing other activities, and it is especially useful for those who are visually impaired or have difficulty reading. As Javier Balibrea, director of the publishing house of the University of Navarra, has pointed out "We want to offer Bible listening in a simple way. The audiobook has an index by books and chapters that allows a quick search. It is available in streaming through the EUNSA virtual library". 

Half a century delving into the Bible

The audiobook edition marks 50 years of work on biblical texts. The project began in 1971, when the founder of the University, St. Josemaría Escrivá, entrusted the Faculty of Theology with the translation and commentary of the Sacred Scriptures. It began with the New Testament and culminated in 2004 with the publication of the entire Bible in five volumes. More than fifteen professors participated in this editorial work, which includes nearly 3,000 notes and commentaries that help to understand the text in its context and in the rich tradition of the Church. It has since been translated into four languages and disseminated in numerous countries. 

The audiobook is available on the website of Ediciones Universidad de Navarra at the following link: a price of 29,99 euros.

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