
"My mission is to make a mark."

You can be an entrepreneur, a passionate art lover and a mother of ten children. You can, and you can do it with joy. Pilar Gordillo proves it to us.

Alicia Gómez-Monedero-March 5, 2019-Reading time: 3 minutes
pilar gordillo

"Defining yourself is very difficult, very complex."says Pilar when I ask her to introduce herself. "I am many things: a woman, a wife, a mother and a professional in the world of events and cultural entertainment." explains.
Pilar lives in Toledo, is married to Santiago and they are the parents of 10 children.

On more than one occasion he has seen surprised faces when saying that yes, there are ten of them, but it's that "For me, a child is not a decision, but it is the fruit of the fact that God is great and can handle anything and gives that and more".

I can't help but ask her what it's like to be a mother of a large family and an entrepreneur. And her answer is delightful: "Because the fruit of a person who has an engine of love inside, which is given to him every day from heaven, is to bear more fruit."

It is that simple and that complex. "It's totally logical." he tells me, "to have one child, not to be afraid to have another, to be happy when the fourth one comes, to jump into the pool together and to surprise you on the way because the sixth one is coming".

Far from creating overwhelm and confusion, "There is more and more love at home, more communion, more presence of Him. So what fears can there be?".

Art and passion
Pilar speaks passionately about her family. But it is this same passion that has launched her into entrepreneurship, because Pilar is also passionate about art. That is why she studied art history.

"In the city of Toledo I found a great opportunity to communicate art to the general public who are the tourists, who have time and move in an atmosphere of relaxation enough to listen and also have a need to understand the why and wherefore of the works of art they contemplate".she explains.

And this is where entrepreneurship is born, and it is born Evoking you, "of passion, of being full of life and inner strength",  because this strength leads to bearing fruit, "to give life, which is to support a family, which is to seek the best for my children, which is to do things for others, which is the logical fruit of having a business, to give good things to others."

Evoking you is aimed specifically at corporate leisure. It is offered to companies that ask for meaningful, cultural leisure; for them, when they finish a meeting at seven o'clock in the evening in a city that is totally closed, thanks to Pilar, "Monuments are opened exclusively to be visited with care, with pampering, with live music, accompanied by gastronomy, small theatrical performances, poetry recitals. They are not complements but a whole, it is the mass that unites and gives meaning and leaves a mark, because my mission is to leave a mark, to cultivate people, to arouse talent and culture that guarantees it".

All kinds of experiences

But how is it possible to arouse all this by seeing, for example, El Greco's The Burial of Count Orgaz? "Because I reach the deep meaning of this art." responds Pilar. She specializes in sacred art and has been told on more than one occasion that she is a believer, "because I live those existential truths, I know God and I share Him as I experience Him, as I savor Him and as I value Him in my life. This is what I offer and it shows."

You only have to listen to her, because in her voice and in the way she expresses herself you can sense all this. Pilar also says that she has had all kinds of experiences after these visits: "Some people tell me that I have helped them pray or that, for a moment, they have touched heaven listening to me. Even non-believers have given me hugs because I made them feel things they had never felt before. And I see how their eyes light up.. I've been with women's magazine editors who didn't want to get up from where we were, and asked me to continue telling more, because they experience that there is depth in that artwork, that there is a delight beyond what they knew.".

To be able to do all this, Pilar reveals to me that her secret is prayer, "which is like eating every day.". It may seem really complicated to have some time alone with God, but she answers me that ultimately, "it's a matter of priorities, so even if I'm late to the office one day I can't stand up without prayer."

The authorAlicia Gómez-Monedero

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