
How great series are made

Jaime Sebastian-January 28, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
big series

When we see a car advertisement, we become aware of the marketing strategies. They usually talk about lifestyles, finished design, comfort, in short, image. These are important aspects but somehow peripheral, not essential. No matter how beautiful a car is, if there is no good engine and mechanics, it will end up failing.

Neil Landau, in this book, is like the one who tells us about a car but opening the hood. He shows us the engine and mechanics of the series. We often focus on the actors, music, photography, etc., but the author goes to the engine of the series, the script and its development. He does not lack experience. Many years dedicated to being a producer and screenwriter, in addition to teaching at UCLA. He has been an executive script consultant for Sony Pictures Television and Columbia Pictures.

His animated films include The Adventures of Tadeo Jones, which won him the Spanish Academy "Goya" Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, Tadeo Jones and the Secret of King Midas (he is currently working on the third part of the saga), Catch the Flag, for Paramount, and Sheep & Wolves for Wizart Animation. He wrote the best-selling 101 Things I Learned in Film School, which was the first book sponsored by the National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE).

The authorJaime Sebastian

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