
Harambee 2021 Award recognizes the advancement of women in science

Maria José Atienza-January 13, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

Duni Sawadogo promotes the "Women and Science" project in her country and fights against the trafficking of counterfeit medicines that especially affect the most vulnerable.

– Supernatural Ivorian Ivorian scientist, Duni Sawadogohas been recognized, this year, with the Award Harambee to the Advancement and Equality of African Women.

Sawadogo in her country by promoting the training of women university students and scientists, and also by promoting the Women and Science" project. Another of the aspects that have made it worthy of this award is the fight against trafficking in counterfeit medicines which mainly affects the most vulnerable, such as the poorest women and children, and which, according to Dr. Sawadogo, generates more money than drugs and has a special and worrying incidence in Africa.

Awarding of the prize

The award will be presented, at a online gala on March 4by H.R.H. Doña Teresa de Borbón dos Sicilias, Honorary President of Harambee and D. Nicolas Zombré, Group Chief Executive Officer Pierre Fabre in Spain, which sponsors this award.

Biography of Duni Sawadogo

Duni Sawadogo, D. in Pharmacy from the University of Abidjan. y Ph.D. in Cell Biology and Hematology from the University of Navarra is Professor of Biological Hematology and Principal Investigator at the School of Pharmacy of the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Felix Houphouet Boigny University, of Abidjan. During the pandemic, Dr. Sawadogo has been appointed as a member of the Steering Committee for the AIRP (Autorité Ivoirienne de Régulation Pharmaceutique). A body similar to the European Medicines Agency, which has approved covid-19 vaccines.

Similarly, AIRP makes safe, effective and inexpensive medicines available to the population, because in Côte d'Ivoire, as in most developing countries, there is a large market for counterfeit and substandard medicines sold outside the official distribution circuit. It also works to promote the creation and development of the pharmaceutical industry.

Harambee Project

Harambee -which in Swahili means all together- is an international project of solidarity with sub-Saharan Africa that collaborates with educational, health or assistance projects, promoted and carried out by
Africans themselves in their own countries. All its volunteers work in solidarity, without receiving any remuneration. In 2021, Harambee will develop projects in Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda.

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