
Contemplative and contemplated

Javier García Herrería-September 21, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute
Contemplative and contemplated


TitleContemplative and contemplated
AuthorCarlos Chiclana
Pages: 89
Editorial: Day Ten
City: Madrid
Year: 2022

The psychiatrist Carlos Chiclana has published a short work on Christian contemplation. Following the teachings of St. Josemaría, with great simplicity, he explains how a Christian can be truly contemplative in the midst of the prosaic occupations of everyday life. The text is structured through the main texts of the founder of Opus Dei on this question, but also enters into dialogue with the ideas of classical authors, such as St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross, and modern ones, especially Pablo d'Ors.

One of the most interesting aspects of the book is the importance it gives to the unity between spiritual growth and balanced human development. In this sense, it is noticeable that it is written by a Christian doctor. Although the book does not make explicit reference to the very fashionable meditation techniques, such as yoga or mindfulnessThe underlying ideas are in line with the acceptance of serene reality and abandonment, which is not total passivity, in the arms of God the Father.

The subtitle of the work is "your life to the fullest", because Chiclana bets on an interior life that aspires to the highest intimacy with God without moving away from ordinary occupations. 

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