
Art and spirituality meet at the "Observatory of the Invisible".

Students of artistic disciplines such as photography, sculpture or music come together in this summer school through an immersive experience of art and spirituality, which this year takes place in the Monastery of Guadalupe.

Maria José Atienza-May 4, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
invisible observatory

The Observatory of the Invisible is organized, in this edition, within the Guadalupe Holy Year with the support of the Archbishopric of Toledo and the Royal Monastery of Guadalupe and its Hospedería.

qr observatory

The summer school planned for this year is made up of eight practical disciplinary workshops whose teachers include the composer and orchestra conductor Ignacio Yepes, the photographer Lupe de la Vallina, the architect Benjamín Cano, the painter María Tarruella and the sculptor Javier Viver.

There will also be a series of transversal activities such as talks with guests such as Francisco Cerro Chaves, Archbishop of Toledo or José Alipio Morejón, Director of Raices de Europa, guided visits to the Monastery of Guadalupe with attention to different parts of the monastery's collection or artistic evenings.

Observatory of the Invisible is a project of the Fundación Vía del Arte that aims to promote art and artists, the renewal and integration of the various artistic disciplines and the research, training and exchange of experiences and knowledge.


In addition to general registration, the Observatory of the Invisible has a number of universities that collaborate with the provision of scholarships to their students who are interested in the Observatory so that they can enjoy a reduced registration fee. More information at

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