
Aleš Primc. These are the children

Aleš Primc has promoted three pro-family referendums in Slovenia, and has won all of them. We take a closer look at these initiatives and their main promoter, talking to him in Ljubljana, the Slovenian capital.

Alfonso Riobó-December 21, 2016-Reading time: 4 minutes

The first occasion was in 2001, following the passage of a law on artificial insemination that allowed single mothers to be inseminated as well. With other friends and without partisan support, they succeeded in having it rejected by 72.4 % of the voters in June 2001.

Then came a second referendum. This time they formed their own organization, the Iniciativa Civil por la Familia y los Derechos de los Niños (Civil Initiative for the Family and Children's Rights)to make the effort more effective. From the time the platform was formed until the consultation was held in May 2012, "it was a real marathon"explains Aleš Primc himself. The aim was to stop a "family law" that allowed same-sex couples to adopt their partner's child (not joint adoption) and that therefore "ignored the right of the child to have a father and a mother, the significance of fatherhood and motherhood for his or her development and education.". After gathering more than 60,000 signatures of support, the referendum resulted in the vote of more than 52 % of the participants.

Primc underlines this key to the campaign: "We use our own language, we do not play the game of the terminology of homosexual activists. What they want is not to promote homosexual marriage, but to abolish marriage, the same marriage I contracted with my wife. There is a battle for language here. I am sorry to see that in some countries their terminology has already been taken over, and even with such prominent philosophers in those countries, the true meaning of the words cannot be revealed". For example, "we do not accept the word 'gender', which is an ideology. On this there is no discussion.". Otherwise, the reason for the victory is that "People understand that children need a father and a mother, and they don't agree that there are homosexual couples. Activists play with our children; and we approach things from that perspective: it's about understanding the child's relationship with his or her parents. We present and remember the basic natural relationships, and not ideological issues, which people don't understand.".

The third referendum, in December 2015, was directed against a law creating a homosexual "marriage" on an equal footing with the natural one, including adoption. To oppose was born the platform "It's all about the children."and the approach was well studied: "We may disagree with others on marriage; but we can agree on children. It's a realistic approach.". Result: 63.36 % of voters rejected the law: "It's a triumph for all our children."Primc said at the time. Slovenia was thus the first country to reverse such a law in a referendum.

Now the year is about to expire during which, according to the law, no new legislation on the same subject can be passed. But Primc explains to us that there will be no more referendums: they have created the "Movement for Children and Family".with which they will run in the elections for "mobilize all those who want to favor the family and religious freedom.". Emphasizes that "we will not go with a party mentality. We want to make a civil politics, gathering like-minded people around 38 points that summarize our program."and insists that "We are not driven by electoral calculations. We want to be clear, understandable, honest. We want to seek what is right, also with the help of prayer.".

We asked him about himself, who is Aleš Primc? He was born in Ljubljana, but his parents are from the south of the country; both are Catholics, but due to pressure during communism, "My parents' generation was no longer as religious as my grandparents', and my generation no longer even carries that Catholic tradition in its blood. I try to nourish my faith in various ways"..

He studied Philosophy of the State, social and political philosophy, and then Social Sciences; he immediately started working at the Ministry of Agriculture, until now. In fact, as we speak, he has just returned from a day spent in the vineyards, carrying out control tasks, and he is dressed in the informal way that this job requires. In 1992 he entered politics to channel his concern for social justice and promote family policies, and held various positions of responsibility in the Popular Party.

He is married and has three children (a 12-year-old boy and two girls, ages 8 and 6). His wife, a civil servant, is a great support and source of advice: "In an activity like this it is important to have the family behind me: to be able to organize trips and meetings, to take phone calls. My children understand it less, and they ask me: Dad, why do you have to go, what's more important than me?". He reads a lot, and publishes books. He specializes in the history of social movements, and specifically cooperatives. Other than that, "I don't have time for sports; my job is glued to the field. All the time I have left is for my family.".

Pro-family initiatives have not been a religious proposition, "although all three times the Church has openly supported us, and in 2015 the bishops have declared that gender ideology is atheistic, contrary to God's plan for man: it is their role in society, and people understand that they speak clearly".

Finally, he takes a look backWhen I think about these 15 years, I only regret that, as we are a small country, the world has not heard about what has happened here"..

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