
A congress addresses the 50th anniversary of the doctorate of Saint Teresa of Jesus

The International Congress "Exceptional Woman. Fifty years of the doctorate of St. Teresa of Jesus" aims to be a framework for meeting, dialogue and scientific debate.

Maria José Atienza-February 11, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
saint teresa congress

The capital of Avila will host from 12 to 15 April, the International Congress "Exceptional Woman. Fifty years of the Doctorate of St. Teresa of Jesus. A conference promoted by the Bishopric of Avilathe Discalced Carmelites and the Catholic University of Avila to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Doctorate of St. Teresa of Jesus.

The congress also counts on the collaboration of the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and, it will be developed in a bimodal way -online and face-to-face-.

The International Congress "Exceptional Woman. Fifty years of the doctorate of St. Teresa of Jesus" aims to be a framework for meeting, dialogue and scientific debate. The congress has a series of themes - axis around which the different papers will pivot.

Congress themes

    Spiritual Theology. Mysticism in the academic context in the 20th and 21st centuries.

    Women and Church.

    Relationships, parallels and contrasts between St. Teresa of Jesus and other holy doctors of the Church.

    New evangelization

Among the speakers at this congress will be the Card. Aquilino Bocos who will speak on "The Teresian reform and our reform. The unforgettable lesson of the first Doctor of the Church". Prof. Dr. Marianne Schlosser with a paper on "The ecclesial meaning of the declaration of a woman teacher of prayer as a doctor of the Church. The feminine face of the Church" or the Dr. Silvano Giordano ocd who will develop the path of St. Teresa of Jesus to the doctorate.

Saint Teresa of Jesus. Doctor of the Church

Paul VI proclaimed St. Teresa of Jesus a Doctor of the Church, the first woman to receive this title. In his homily at the ceremony on September 27, 1970, Paul VI referred to her as "this saint, so singular and so great, arouses in our spirit a wealth of thoughts. We see her before us as an exceptional woman, as a religious who, wrapped in humility, penance and simplicity, radiates around her the flame of her human vitality and her dynamic spirituality; we see her, moreover, as a reformer and founder of a historic and distinguished religious Order, as a brilliant and fruitful writer, as a teacher of spiritual life, as an incomparable contemplative and tireless active soul".

All the information about the congress at

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