The Vatican

Pope Francis encourages young people to regain hope

Five years ago, Pope Francis published his apostolic exhortation "Christus vivit", addressed to all the young people of the world. On March 25, 2024, he also wanted to address the new generations of the Church to encourage them to regain hope.

Paloma López Campos-March 25, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes

Pope Francis with World Youth Day volunteers in Lisbon (CNS photo / Vatican Media)

On the fifth anniversary of the apostolic exhortation "Christus vivit"Pope Francis is once again addressing young people around the world. In his brief message, the Pope begins by reminding the new generations that "Christ lives and wants you to live! A reminder, the Holy Father explains, that he wants to rekindle hope in young people.

Faced with the complicated scenario that is opening up before the world, marked by wars and social tension, Francis proposes in his message to young people to hold on to one truth: "Christ lives and loves you infinitely. And his love for you is not conditioned by your falls or your mistakes." The love of Jesus Christ is unconditional, the Pontiff stresses, as can be seen on the Cross.

Announcement by and for young people

The Pope addresses every young person to advise him in his relationship with Christ: "walk with him as with a friend, welcome him into your life and make him a sharer in the joys and hopes, the sufferings and anxieties of your youth". In this way, the Pontiff assures us, "your path will be illuminated and the heaviest burdens will become less heavy, because he will be the one to carry them with you.

"How much I would like this proclamation to reach each one of you, and for each one of you to perceive it alive and true in your own life and to feel the desire to share it with your friends!" the Pope exclaims in his message. Therefore, says Francis, "make yourselves heard, shout out this truth, not so much with your voice but with your life and with your heart".

Young pilgrims wait for Pope Francis to arrive at the World Youth Day 2023 vigil (OSV News photo / Bob Roller).

Hope of the Church

In concluding his message, the Holy Father recalled that "Christus vivit" is the fruit of a Church that wants to walk together and therefore listens to, dialogues with and constantly discerns the will of the Lord. It is precisely on this basis that the participation of young people in the Synodal Way that the Church lives.

Pope Francis bids farewell by reminding young people that "they are the hope of a Church on the way". He also asks them never to lack "the drive they have, like that of a clean and agile engine; their original way of living and announcing the joy of the Risen Jesus". He concluded by assuring that he prays for young people, asking them to pray for him.

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