The Vatican

Christian life involves constant struggle, Pope says

The Christian life requires a constant struggle against sin and growth in holiness, the Pope said at the first General Audience of this year 2024, in his summary for English-speaking pilgrims and faithful. He also wished them "the joy of this Christmas, finding in prayer the Savior who wants to be close to everyone".

Francisco Otamendi-January 3, 2024-Reading time: 3 minutes
Pope Francis

The Pope during the general audience on January 3, 2024 (CNS photo / Vatican Media)

Today, Wednesday, in the first General Audience Pope Francis continued this year's cycle of catecheses on "vices and virtues", and on this occasion he focused on the spiritual struggle of the Christian, based on the reading of Mt 3:13-15, the "Vices and Virtues". baptism of the Lordwhose feast is celebrated next Sunday.

This reflection "helps us to overcome the nihilistic culture in which the contours between good and evil remain blurred," he said. "The spiritual life of the Christian is not peaceful, linear and unchallenged, but, on the contrary, requires a constant struggle. It is not by chance that the first anointing that every Christian receives in the sacrament of Baptism - the catechumenal anointing - symbolically announces that life is a struggle."

The anointing of the catechumens makes it immediately clear that Christians, like everyone else, "will have to descend into the arena, because life is a succession of trials and temptations," the Pontiff said.

Jesus was tempted

He also reminded the English pilgrims and faithful that "Jesus, Himself without sin, submitted to John's baptism and was baptized by John. tempted in the desertto teach us the need for spiritual rebirth, conversion of mind and heart, and unwavering trust in God's mercy and grace". 

"May our weekly reflections on the virtues and vices help us to imitate the example of the Lord, to grow in wisdom and self-understanding, and to discern between good and evil. As we grow in the knowledge and practice of the virtues, let us experience the joy of closeness to God, the source of all good, of authentic happiness and of the fullness of eternal life," he said.

He then expressly welcomed "all the English-speaking pilgrims, especially the groups from Malta and the United States of America. I wish you and your families the joy of this Christmas, finding in prayer the Savior who wants to be close to everyone. God bless you!

Message of peace among friends and colleagues

At various points during the Audience, in his message to the faithful and pilgrims who filled the Paul VI Hall, Francis reminded young Italians "like Mary, to know how to keep, meditate and follow the Word that became flesh in Bethlehem, so as to spread his message of Christmas and peace among their friends and companions".

He also greeted the priests of Modena, who are commemorating their 40th anniversary of ordination, and encouraged them "to persevere on the path of fidelity to the Lord".

And he pleaded that "we should not forget the people who are at war. War is madness, it is a defeat, it is always a defeat". With several Ukrainian flags at the General Audience, the Pope asked that "we pray for the people in Palestine. Israel, Ukraine, and for so many other places where there is war. And let us not forget our brothers rohingyawho are persecuted.

Finally, he addressed the young, the sick, the elderly and the newlyweds. "To all I exhort you to continue in faithful adherence to Jesus, and in generous support for the spread of his Gospel."

"Not living on the moon."

Our whole life is a struggle, marked by contrasts and temptations, which are necessary to advance on the path of virtue, because they bring us face to face with the reality of our littleness, the Pope reiterated in various ways in his catechesis. 

"Whoever considers that he has already achieved a certain degree of perfection, that he does not need conversion, that he does not need to go to confession, or that it is not worth the effort, lives in the moon, lives in darkness and does not know right from wrong. On the contrary, we must ask Jesus to give us the ability and the strength to confront our weakness, the courage to abandon ourselves to his mercy and the wisdom not to let our guard down in this effort. The enemy is lying in wait and we must be alert so as not to be deceived," the Pope encouraged.

Specifically, to the Spanish-speaking pilgrims he pointed out. "Today we remember the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus. Let us ask the Lord for light to keep us on the path of goodness and his grace to persevere in it, without fearing challenges and trials. May God bless you and the Holy Virgin watch over you."

At the end, before saying the Our Father and giving the Blessing, Pope Francis prayed and invited people to address the Lord in this way: "Jesus, do not go away from me, I am a sinner".

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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