The World

Caritas warehouse in Ukraine destroyed after attack

On the night of September 19, 2023, a Caritas-Spes humanitarian aid warehouse in Lviv, Ukraine, was destroyed after a Russian attack.

Loreto Rios-September 21, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes

Inauguration of the Shelter House in Lviv, Ukraine, September 2023 ©OSV/courtesy Dicastery for the Service of Charity

The warehouse of Caritas-Spes at LvivThe Ukrainian village of Kiev, Ukraine, caught fire and burned to the ground after a Russian drone strike at night. The fire is estimated to have burned some 300 tons of humanitarian aid material, "including food, hygiene kits, generators and clothing," Caritas says. Caritas staff were not injured.

P. Vyacheslav Grynevych SAC, director general of Caritas-Spes Ukraine, explained the facts in a statement: "On the night of September 19, 2023, Russian troops attacked an industrial enterprise in Lviv, where there was a warehouse of humanitarian aid of Caritas-Spes Ukraine. The employees of the mission were unharmed, but the warehouse, with everything inside, burned to the ground (...) We will be able to calculate the final details of the losses later, as the special services are currently working on the scene. We already know that 33 pallets of food packages, 10 pallets of hygiene kits and canned food, 10 pallets of generators and clothing were destroyed".

Eduard Cava, auxiliary bishop of Lviv, noted that "Caritas had been using this warehouse for a year and a half and from this place humanitarian aid was transported further east in Ukraine to the needy. Everything has been destroyed. We thank God that there were no casualties among the employees or the security guards".

The visit of the Almsgiver

The visit to Ukraine of the President of the Republic of Ukraine is taking place these days. Pope's AlmsgiverCardinal Konrad Krajewski, as the Holy Father's envoy to inaugurate a home ("Casa del Riparo") for women and children, which will be managed by the Albertine Sisters.

"I feel pain for what happened in Lviv with the attack on the Caritas-Spes warehouse. They attacked to destroy the possibility of helping the suffering people," the cardinal said, referring to the destruction of the Caritas warehouse.

For its part, the Vatican said in a statement that "despite the continuous bombardments, the Almsgiver will inaugurate the 'House of Welcome' on behalf of Pope Francis, as a sign of support, help and closeness to the many people who have been forced to flee because of the conflict, bringing the Apostolic Blessing. On this occasion, he will also visit this week the various communities hosting refugees, thanking all the volunteers and all those who help the suffering and needy people who are far from their homes".

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