
Caritas helped 2.8 million people by 2022

This morning, Caritas published its 2022 Annual Report at a press conference held at the institution's headquarters in Madrid.

Loreto Rios-June 28, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

Thiago (center) reads a book with his mother (right) and two Cáritas technicians at the Cáritas Guadalajara Listening Center. ©Cáritas Española/Rocío Peláez

Manuel Bretón, president of Cáritas, and Natalia Peiro, general secretary, participated in the press conference in which the data of the report were presented.

The president of Caritas began his presentation by thanking the thousands of volunteers who collaborate with Caritas to attend to those most in need, as well as all the people and institutions that make its work possible. He also pointed out that the campaign Caritas "You have a lot to do" wants to highlight the importance of the collaboration of each person in improving the living conditions of others.

Increased poverty

Natalia Peiro presented the most relevant data of the 2022 Report, indicating that this year was marked by the end of the pandemic and the beginning of the war in Ukraine, in addition to inflation and the increase in the cost of energy. This has increased the poverty conditions of the most vulnerable families, since the price of basic foodstuffs has risen the most.

"We are living in times of accumulated crises. After the pandemic caused by Covid-19, came the war in Ukraine, the increase in human mobility, the evolution of energy costs and inflation... This situation, both locally and globally, has increased poverty and inequality," stressed the secretary general.

He also stressed the importance of the distribution of purse cards for selected foodstuffs. This project, which has benefited 385,000 people, allows families to purchase the products themselves, which contributes to the dignity of the people participating in this program.

Caritas has also helped the unemployed. In 2022, there were 11.7 % more people seeking employment than in 2021. 1 in 5 people served got jobs.

Housing assistance

In housing aid, Caritas invested 54 million euros (46 million in rents and 8 million in utility bills) and another 46 million in food.

"As a result of the rising cost of living, families are spending more of their budget to pay for housing and other essential expenses. Housing has become a bottomless pit for household income. Dedicating more resources than recommended to housing means not being able to cover other basic needs, such as guaranteeing a minimum level of thermal comfort or generating debts due to non-payments," said Natalia Peiro.

International cooperation

Outside Spain's borders, Caritas has been attending to emergencies such as the war of UkraineThe company has helped displaced people, both within its borders and in neighboring countries to which they have been forced to move in order to find refuge. Aid has also been extended to other important hotspots, such as Mali, Burkina Faso and the entire Sahel area, Lebanon and Bangladesh, among others.

Caritas' annual investment increases

In total, 457.2 million euros have been invested, 54 more than in 2021, and a total of more than 2.8 million people have been helped, of which 1.5 million were inside Spain, and the rest abroad.

Only 5.9 % of Caritas' income has been invested in management expenses, a percentage that has been maintained for the last 20 years.

The support of public administrations was also highlighted, with 152 951 184 million euros, 24.2 % more than in 2021. This increase is due to the rise in European funds for post-pandemic recovery. Therefore, 66 % of Caritas funding in 2022 was private and 33 % public.

In addition, in this pre-electoral period, Caritas has sent a series of proposals to all political parties of the parliamentary arc, so that they introduce measures to improve the living conditions of the most needy and vulnerable people.

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