
CARF Foundation's Social Action Board, all for priests

Throughout the year, the Social Action Board of CARF works to raise funds to pay for the scholarships of seminarians through flea markets, sewing and making the textiles for the well-known backpacks of sacred vessels.

Maria José Atienza-November 17, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
CARF Board of Trustees

Photo: Carmen Ortega hands over one of the backpacks to a senior student at the Bidasoa International Seminar ©CARF

They are one of the "legs" of the CARF Foundation and, thanks to them, because their reality is feminine by far, there are hundreds of young priests who, in addition to receiving a scholarship for their theological and philosophical formation, have a help such as the backpack of sacred vessels and, above all, the prayer of all of them.

The work of the CARF Foundation in the promotion and encouragement of priestly vocations, in particular, its support for the formation of seminarians, priests or religious to study in Rome or Pamplona. 

In addition to the CARF Foundation's own work, there is the CARF's Social Action BoardThe "Sacred Vessels": a group of people who, throughout the year, work to raise funds to pay for scholarships for seminarians and more "material" issues such as the preparation of the already known "backpacks or briefcases of sacred vessels" in which they carry everything necessary to impart the sacraments: Eucharist, anointing of the sick or confession, in a dignified manner and in any remote part of the world. 

The origins of the Board of Trustees

Two women, Rosana Diez Canseco and Carmen Ortega, are the presidents of this board of trustees, which, according to Ortega, "channels the CARF Foundation's volunteers". CARF's Board of Trustees for Social Action was created almost at the same time as the foundation itself.

Some of the first people who began, then, to help with the formation of priests through the CARF Foundation, The group started up various initiatives to raise other income for the scholarships. "It started very small," says Carmen Ortega, who continues, "later, more people joined and, at present, we have a stable group of about 30 people." 

What does CARF's Social Action Board do?

Fundamentally, the volunteering that it channels is centered on groups of activities that, throughout the course, prepare both the Solidarity Market and the textile elements necessary for the backpack of sacred vessels.

"There is a group in charge of making the sacred linens and the albs for the priests' backpacks," explains Carmen Ortega. "These backpacks are given to the senior scholarship students before they return to their countries, and they are not only expensive but also personalized: the albs they contain are made to measure by this sewing group, so that they fit well and look dignified. They are very grateful and always write to us, when they return to their countries, telling us how much this backpack helps them in their work". 

The Solidarity Market

In addition to this, the Solidarity Market is another of the Patronage's highlights. For this market, another group of volunteers makes knitted baby clothes, while another group collects donations of furniture, decorative objects, etc. They classify them, price them and store them until the market.

The last group of volunteers is in charge of restoring and giving new life to some of these pieces of furniture that "with imagination, a nice paint job and small restorations are very successful among young people".

The annual flea market takes place over several days and raises funds for the formation of seminarians, diocesan priests, religious men and women from all over the world. This year, the market will be held in the halls of the parish of St. Louis de los Franceses in Madrid from November 17 to 21 from 11:00 to 21:00.

Above all, the Patronato prays for priestly vocations and supports their promotion and formation. "Praying for and helping priests motivates many people," notes Carmen Ortega, "plus they also pray for us, so, in reality, we win." 

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