
Brunello Cucinelli receives the 'Joaquín Navarro-Valls' Award

The award, promoted by the Campus Biomedico Foundation, is intended to recognize men and women who have demonstrated integrity and important ethical foundations in their leadership, communication skills and solidarity.

Antonino Piccione-July 10, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

Photo: Brunello Cucinelli poses with the award ©Cristian Gennari

"Entrepreneur who transforms his moral strength into an inexhaustible desire to search for beauty in favor of others, he builds working environments with kindness where every day projects of Benevolence linked to human sustainability in respect for the human being are breathed."

With this motivation Brunello Cucinelli has won the first edition of the International Award Joaquín Navarro-Valls promoted by the Fundación Universitaria Biomédica, also to celebrate the first 30 years of the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome and the Fundación Policlínico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico.

The award ceremony took place on Wednesday, July 5 at the Palazzo della Cancelleria in Rome. The Award is intended to recognize personalities of great social, economic and institutional stature.

Women and men who in their careers have been able to demonstrate integrity and important ethical foundations in their leadership, communication skills, care for human resources and solidarity.

Among the objectives of the award is also "a project that looks to the future, drawing attention to two values that are too often forgotten in companies and that we believe should also inspire the university world: leadership skills and benevolence", says Paolo Arullani, President of the Biomedical University Foundation, "we must support those who exercise leadership combined with benevolence to promote a new culture of giving capable of generating social impact and that has the good of the person as its main objective".

A vision on Leadership and Benevolence that is close to that, still today profound and relevant, of Navarro-Valls: first director of the Press Office of the Holy See, between 1984 and 2006, as well as president of the Committee of Guarantors of the Foundation; unforgettable presence during the pontificate of John Paul IIThroughout his life he has demonstrated a profound leadership enriched by multiple interests, from medicine to psychiatry, from journalism to the philosophy of benevolence.

Scientific committee of the award

The nominations were proposed by a Scientific Committee, composed of: Matteo Colaninno, Executive Vice President of the Piaggio Group, Giuseppe Cornetto Bourlot, Vice President of the Advisory Board of the Biomedical University Foundation, Federico Eichberg, Vice President of the Biomedical University Foundation, Amalia Maione Marchini, Psychiatrist, Raffaele Perrone Donnorso, President of ANPO.

A five-person jury selected the winner: Paolo Arullani, President of the Biomedical University Foundation, Ferruccio De Bortoli, journalist and essayist, Gianni Letta, Advisory Board of the Biomedical University Foundation, Mario Moretti Polegato, President of Geox, Lucia Vedani, Founder and President of CasAmica ODV.

Brunello Cucinelli

Brunello Cucinelli, born in Castel Rigone in 1953, founded his company in 1978, introducing the idea of cashmere dyeing to the market.

He brought a respectful vision of work, made of moral and economic dignity. The heart of his company and its production is at Solomeo. Today its products, of absolute quality Made in Italy, are appreciated and sought after all over the world.

In 2013 he inaugurated the 'Scuola di Alto Artigianato Contemporaneo per le Arti e i Mestieri'.

"It is with deep emotion that I received today, from the Biomedical University Foundation, the coveted Joaquín Navarro-Valls International Award for Leadership and Benevolence", says Brunello Cucinelli, "and this for two reasons: the first is the great esteem I have always had for a man like Dr. Navarro-Valls, who has been able to combine in a single and profound reason for living the Faith and the profession in the medical and journalistic field, constantly close to two great pontiffs such as John Paul II and Benedict XVI. The second reason is that in my vision of the world, the value of Benevolence occupies one of the first places, and I have always guided my company according to the thought of St. Benedict of Nursia when he taught his abbots: 'Always be rigorous and kind, demanding teachers and loving fathers'".

Joaquín Navarro-Valls Scholarship Fund

On the occasion of the Award, the "Joaquin Navarro-Valls Scholarship Fund" was also created for students of the Bio-Medical University Campus of Rome, a social elevator to empower new deserving and economically less fortunate talents, to guarantee the right to study, inclusion and development. Collaborators: Fondazione Roma, Fondazione Tim, Fondazione Ania, Gruppo Bios, ELT Group, IGT, Pedevilla, Poste Italiane. With the sponsorship of: Lazio Region, Municipality of Rome, Coni.

The authorAntonino Piccione

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