
Bravo! 2023 Awards recognize Manuel Garrido, "Libres" and ACdP

The Spanish Episcopal Conference has made public the names of the winners of the Bravo! 2023 Awards. Among them are well-known names, such as Pedro Piqueras or Ana Iris Simón.

Paloma López Campos-December 1, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes

The Bravo! 2023 Awards already have winners. This was communicated by the Spanish Episcopal Conference on December 1 in the afternoon, publishing in its web page the names of the winners, among which are such well-known names as Pedro Piqueras, Manuel Garrido and Ana Iris Simón.

The award ceremony will take place on January 29, 2024 at the conference headquarters, but the Episcopal Commission for Social Communications has already given the names of the awardees.

These awards, as expressed in its norms, seek to recognize "on the part of the Church, the meritorious work of all those professionals in the field of the Church". communication in the various media, who have distinguished themselves for their service to human dignity, human rights and evangelical values".

Bravo! 2023 Awards honorees

The winners of this edition, according to categories, are:

  • In Radio, "Apse Media" for its coverage of WYD;
  • In Press, Ana Iris Simón;
  • Television: Pedro Piqueras;
  • Film: Santos Blancodirector of "Libres";
  • In Music: the recycling music orchestra promoted by the company "Ecoembes";
  • In Advertising: the campaign of the Catholic Association of Propagandists "#QuenotelaCuelen";
  • From Comunicación Digital; Israel Remuiñán, for his podcast "Benedicto XVI, el Papa de la tormenta";
  • In Institutional Communication: Manuel Garrido;
  • In Diocesan Communication: Juan José Montes, from the Diocese of Mérida Badajoz.

Jury of the awards

The jury of the Bravo Awards is chaired by Monsignor Salvador Giménez Valls, by delegation of the President of the Commission. The members of the jury are:

  • Francisco Otero, director of "Ecclesia" magazine;
  • Irene Pozo, director of socioreligious contents of "Ábside Media";
  • Ulises Bellón, director of the press department of the Episcopal Commission for Social Communications (CECS);
  • Juan Orellana, director of the CECS film department;
  • José Gabriel Vera, director of the CECS information office and secretariat.
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