
A book will collect the spiritual thought of Benedict XVI

Dio è sempre nuovo (God is always new) is the title of the book to be published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana, the official publishing house of the Holy See, with a foreword by Pope Francis.

Maria José Atienza-January 4, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
Benedict XVI

Benedict XVI signs a copy of "Caritas in Veritate" ©CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano via Reuters

"God is always new because he is the source and reason for beauty, grace and truth. God is never repetitive, God surprises us, God brings newness," is how Pope Francis sums up in his foreword the apt title under which the Vatican publishing house collects a "spiritual synthesis" of the writings of Benedict XVI in which, as Francis emphasizes, "his ability to show the depth of the Christian faith is always new". 

The book, published by the Libreria editrice Vaticanawhich will be published on January 14, addresses, in the words of the prologue, "a range of spiritual themes and is an incentive for us to remain open to the horizon of eternity that Christianity carries in its DNA. Benedict XVI's thought and magisterium is and will continue to be fruitful in time, because he has been able to focus on the fundamental references of our Christian life: first of all, the person and word of Jesus Christ, and then the theological virtues, that is, charity, hope and faith. And for this the whole Church will be grateful to him".

Pope Francis also wanted to express in this prologue his gratitude to God "for having given us Pope Benedict XVI: with his word and his witness, he taught us that through reflection, thought, study, listening, dialogue and, above all, prayer, it is possible to serve the Church and do good to all humanity; he offered us living intellectual tools so that every believer could give reasons for his hope using a way of thinking and communicating understandable to his contemporaries". His intention was constant: to enter into dialogue with everyone to seek together the ways through which we can find God".

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