
Spanish bishops offer their collaboration to create humanitarian corridors

The bishops have expressed their willingness to offer their collaboration to government administrations to promote the establishment of humanitarian corridors at all levels (municipal, regional, national).

Maria José Atienza-December 22, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
rescue of migrant child

Photo: CNS photo/Borja Suarez, Reuters

The bishops belonging to the Episcopal Commission for Social Pastoral and Human Promotion of the Spanish Episcopal Conference have published a communiqué with this offer, echoing the words of Pope Francis in the audience of Wednesday, December 22.

In this meeting, the Holy Father made a humanitarian appeal to all countries and dioceses that make the Catholic Church present in Europe, to respond in solidarity and collaborate in taking charge of the relocation of so many migrants and refugees in the Mediterranean region.

the bishops have called for a joint collaboration, similar to "what is done in other European countries, while promoting new models of sustainable and legal reception, based on community sponsorship with which to offer migrants and refugees a dignified, stable and inclusive reception, according to our capacities"..

The Spanish prelates are intimately familiar with the humanitarian drama of families and migrants or those seeking international protection. It is not in vain that Spain is one of the hot spots for the entry of migrants into Europe, especially through the Strait of Gibraltar and the Canary Islands.

In these days of deep significance for migrants, the prelates recalled that "God continues to knock on our doors as Christmas approaches" and called on "our Christian communities and society as a whole to responsibly welcome those who need us with a heart that looks into the eyes of the people".

The bishops have encouraged the administrations to "seek stable and fair solutions that promote legislation and economic means focused on orderly migration processes and concrete channels of reception and hospitality that allow them to realize their life project in Europe and Spain".

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