
The Archbishop of Burgos decrees excommunication for 10 nuns from Belorado

10 nuns from Belorado signed a burofax in which they did not recognize the episcopal authority and in which they emphasized their desire to leave the Church.

Maria José Atienza-June 22, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
Belorado. Buying and selling of monasteries, a pseudo-Catholic sect and cism?

The Archbishop of Burgos, in Spain, has communicated the signing of the "Decree of declaration of excommunication and the Declaration of resignation (expulsion) ipso facto from the consecrated life to each and every one of the ten sisters who have incurred in schism". They are 10 of the 15 religious sisters who, at present, live in the Monastery of Santa Clara de Belorado.
The five sisters who are not involved in this schism are the older sisters, who have always been outside the process and who are the central concern of both the Federation of Poor Clares of Our Lady of Aránzazu, to which the monastery of Belorado belongs.
The note published by the archbishopric of Burgos, published after the meeting of the management committee created by indication of the Holy See, indicates that "in view of this declaration of "voluntary separation" of each and every one of them, received by burofax, on June 21, 2024, which comes to ratify what they had already exposed previously in a reliable way in different ways, on June 22 the Archbishop of Burgos, Pontifical Commissioner and Legal Representative of the Monasteries of Belorado, Orduña and Derio, has communicated the Decree of declaration of excommunication and the Declaration of resignation (expulsion) ipso facto of the consecrated life to each and every one of the ten sisters who have incurred in schism".
This decree is not "the last word" since, as stated in the document itself, "the Declaration of excommunication is a juridical action considered by the Church as a medicinal measure, which encourages reflection and personal conversion".
The note also recalls that the community of Belorado is not extinct since "there is still a monastic community formed by the sisters who have not incurred in excommunication, not having supported the schism: they are the five older sisters and three other sisters who, although at the moment they are not in the monastery, belong to the community as they are incardinated in it".
From this moment on, the 10 signatories of the burofax have incurred in excommunication and, therefore, in the expulsion of the religious life, so they cannot continue occupying the monastery of Belorado. There remains, likewise, the path of the civil lawsuit imposed by the Poor Clares of Vitoria to recover the property of the monastery of Orduña. One of the keys to this mess, with more questions than answers.

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