
Joan Roig Diggle, the young man who was with God

The Basilica of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona hosted this past weekend the Beatification Ceremony of Joan Roig i Diggle, a 19 year old martyr student and worker who gave his own life in martyrdom for his Christian commitment.

Maria José Atienza-November 10, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

The beatification of this young man, as highlighted by the Ferran Blasi, correspondent for Palabra magazine in Barcelona, Roig's call to "be a friend to all". Not surprisingly, as Blasi underlines "This boy belonged to the so-called Federació de Joves Cristians, founded in the style of the Belgian JOC, by Canon Albert Bonet, the physician Blessed Dr. Pere Tarrés and by Fèlix Millet i Maristany and whose members, known as Fejocistes, were persecuted mainly by extremist revolutionary militants for the fact of being Catholics, and considered, on the other side, as Catalanists".. A characteristic also underlined by the Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona, Juan José Omella Omella, in the homily of the Beatification where he referred to the life of Joan Roig as "Joan is for everyone, but especially for the youngest, a witness of love for Christ and for our brothers and sisters."

Joan Roig Diggle was born in Barcelona in 1917 to a Catalan father and an English mother. His years as a young apostle took place in the town of El Masnou, where he moved with his family at the age of 17, where Joan began to live his faith and his relationship with God. There he teaches catechism to the children of the parish of San Pere and becomes a member of the Federació from Young Christians of Cataloniawhere he finds a community and a mission: to bring Jesus to others.

Of this young Blessed we can highlight his love of the Eucharist and his life of prayerthat led him to an outstanding social sensitivity. Studies, lives and spreads the social doctrine of the Church, convinced that it is the only valid way to combat inequalities and promote the dignity of all people.

"God is with me!"

The outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 unleashed the persecution of Christians of all ages. In a few months, on the night of September 11, Joan was arrested. He received communion before being taken from his home, as he was hiding some holy forms with the permission of his Spiritual Director. Then he went to his mother and told her serenely: "Leave them for me. Don't worry. God is with me!

He died forgiving those who executed him, with five shots and one in the temple to certify his death, for the mere fact of being a Catholic. So much so that one of the militiamen who participated in his death would recall it years later "That blond young man was a brave one...he died preaching, saying that he forgave me and that he would pray to God to forgive me too.
I was almost touched."

Pope Francis has referred to this young Blessed as "witness of Jesus in the workplace." and highlights his example so that young people will be inspired by it. "the desire to live the Christian vocation to the full".

On November 8, the Basilica of the Holy Family hosted the ceremony of his beatification with strict security measures and a capacity of less than 25%. The Mass was presided over by Cardinal Omella and concelebrated by Cardinal Lluís Martínez Sistach and the Apostolic Nuncio, Bishop Bernardito Auza.

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