
Banco Sabadell and Amundi promote responsible investments

The investment fund Sabadell Inversión Ética y Solidaria, FI, an investment fund managed by Sabadell Asset Management, an Amundi company, is presented as an investment option in accordance with the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church.

Omnes-July 8, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

Photo: Ameen Ahmy / unsplash

Banco Sabadell and Amundi have completed their first year of partnership together. Amundi's strong commitment to responsible investment adds to Sabadell Asset Management's expertise to strengthen the capabilities and investment solutions offered to Banco Sabadell's clients.

Banco Sabadell shows its sensitivity towards the most disadvantaged groups and, as part of its initiative to return resources to society, offers Banco Sabadell customers investment solutions that align financial investment with solidarity through the investment fund Sabadell Inversión Ética y Solidaria, FI an investment fund managed by Sabadell Asset Management, an Amundi company. This fund promotes environmental and social characteristics, and is Article 8 under Regulation (EU) 2019/2088(SFDR).

Sabadell Asset Management has been a pioneer in offering since 2006 a responsible and social impact investment solution, which is also aligned with the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Sabadell Asset Management's expertise adds to the strong commitment to responsible investment of Amundi, the leading responsible investment manager with more than 30 years of experience investing in responsible asset classes and a founding signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment.

In order to select the projects to benefit, for almost eighteen years now, its Ethics Committee has been responsible for identifying and studying each year the solidarity projects aspiring to receive aid, both nationally and internationally. In the last 15 years, more than 25 communities in 9 different countries and 3 continents have benefited from grants of more than 2,000,000 euros. The diversity of the projects selected is noteworthy, both geographically and in terms of the type of institution that receives the aid and the reason for which the aid is requested. Some of the beneficiary groups have been children, civilians in areas of armed conflict, people suffering from any disease, special genetic condition, disability, groups at risk of social exclusion or discrimination (women, immigrants, large families, unemployed, prisoners, etc.), among others.

Sabadell Inversión Ética y Solidaria, FI invests mainly in assets traded in Western Europe and other markets, such as the United States, Japan or emerging countries. Under normal conditions it has an equity exposure of 20%, with a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 30%, with no limits on the capitalization of listed companies. In order to identify responsible securities in the fixed income and equity portfolio, an investment process is followed in which different strategies are combined, such as the exclusion strategy, exclusions based on ESG criteria and exclusions that align investments with the social doctrine of the Catholic Church, and the best-in-class strategy, in both cases applying Amundi's own methodology in the ESG rating of issuers.

Sabadell Inversión Ética y Solidaria, FI is a suitable solution for investors with a medium risk level who wish to invest respecting social and ethical criteria, in accordance with the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church and with a measurable social impact through the solidarity component of the fund.

Banco Sabadell, from the Religious Institutions and Third Sector Segment, offers the widest offer in the financial sector and the only one fully adapted to the singularity of the clients of these groups, the experience and professionalism of a team of managers distributed throughout the national territory who have the IIRR and Third Sector university certification, which makes them exclusive in training in the financial sector.

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